Custom Structures

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jedd Lupoy, Apr 23, 2016.

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    Jedd Lupoy

    Plugin category: World Generators

    Suggested name: Structures

    What I want: The plugin uses .schematics to load the structures and generate randomly around the world. Have the ability to choose where the structure generates (e.g. What biome? Spawn height? How rare?). If possible, have the ability to generate these structures on explored land as well as unexplored. People that use this plugin should be able to load their own schematics.

    Ideas for commands: /structure reload (reloads the config)

    Ideas for permissions: structure.admin (permission to do the reload command)

    When I'd like it by: 1 - 2 Weeks/Months

    Please share your ideas for this plugin!
    Support 1.9 Craftbukkit/Spigot etc.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
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    @Jedd Lupoy I remember doing something similar to this last year, ill try dig out the old stuff and create this project.
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    Jedd Lupoy

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    @Jedd Lupoy Alright, the plugin is pretty much done and working however i need you to elaborate on this:
    I mean, at the moment the plugin will get a random structure that is loaded and every 2 (customisable) chunks there is a 70% (customisable) chance that the structure will be generated.

    I need more information on where it will spawn and all of the parameters you can change in the config.

    Here is what the config looks like at the moment:

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  5. Offline

    Jedd Lupoy

    Yeah, that looks good.

    You can add this to the structure section of the config:
    Schematic: <name>
    Biome: <biome>
    Place: <ground/air/underground>
    //If selected air
    Height: <number>
    //If selected underground
    Depth: <number>

    By default, can you have no registered schematics?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
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    @Jedd Lupoy Thanks, and also yeah absolutely, it will automatically generate an example section for you, however you can just remove it (make sure the yaml is still formatted correctly), and use the /csreload command and it will be all fine.

    Here is the initial configuration file that is generated: (With your additions)


    You can simply remove the -exampleSchematicOne line at the bottom and it will not be loaded in.
    The console also prints a lot of information, so you can check there if it has been enabled.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  7. Offline

    Jedd Lupoy

    @Abstract97 Ooh, awesome.

    For the PercentChanceSpawn, does that apply for all schematics?
    It would be nice if each structure has their own PercentChanceSpawn.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
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    @Jedd Lupoy No its universal, its a percent chance that any one of them could spawn, but ill add another for each one too, so there will be a rarity for each individual structure, but a global percent chance.
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    Jedd Lupoy

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    Jedd Lupoy

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    @Jedd Lupoy Nearly mate, just working a lot recently, but when i get some time off ill finish it.
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    Jedd Lupoy

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    Deleted user

    Looks like a great concept!
    Hope this gets created for you ;)
    Also hope it would go on Bukkit's plugin website :p
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  15. Offline

    Deleted user

    Ooh great!
    Good luck & good job on creating plugins :)

    Could you send me the link to the BukkitDev page when its finished?
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    Jedd Lupoy

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    Ir realy want this too, bump!
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