Custom Model Helmets

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by kingwixly, Oct 7, 2024.

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    Our server has custom models, and we also modeled helmets, however we can't make the helmet models load, which we found out . We want a plugin that would make it possible to see the helmet models. If anyone can help us with this, that would be awesome. I haven't been able to find anyone who could yet so I figured trying the forums might help. If this is impossible, please tell us so we know for the future.
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    @kingwixly regarding this are you just looking for a way to generate the custom items via a command, or an ingame menu?
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    Can you please specify what functionality you would want from a plugin? I have no idea what exactly you mean with any of this. If you want to load custom models into the game you need to use resourcepacks, not plugins. Armor models are no different there.
    You can set custom-model-data ids to items by using vanilla commands and apply unique models to items that way, if that's what you want - There is tutorials on YouTube or whatever on how exactly to do this
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    Armor does not work for doing that. When you wear it, it just appears as a helmet rather than a custom model. We want it so whenever someone wears a helmet, it automatically swaps to a pickaxe with the same CustomModelData as the helmet.
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    So what you need is a plugin that will replace a certain item (like a helmet item) for a different item (like a pickaxe) when put into the armor helmet slot? And I'm assuming you would want it to be swapped back to the original item when you take it out?
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    Yep, that's exactly it. We need it to have the same CustomModelData as the helmet, though, and we need the item it gets swapped with to be a pickaxe rather than dye or swords or anything.
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