Custom Melee Weapons And Crystals

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xXSilverswordXx, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Offline


    For my server, i would like some special weapons for players to be able to use. Ill make a list here, i dont expect one person to make all of them.
    Ill update the list each time one is made, as well as specifying who actually made that weapon.
    Commands /cstwp get (weapon name) will get any of the weapons.
    Dusk Blade- Gives Blind 1 to the victim for 3 seconds when they are hit.
    Frost Axe- Gives target slow 2 for 2 seconds.
    Sword of blood- Deals damage equal to the health the user has lost (in damage, not hearts)
    Famine Blade- When hit with this sword, you get hunger 3 for 10 seconds. The user gets Saturation 1
    Wolven Longsword- Right click to summon a wolf if there are 4 or less nearby. Shift + rightclick to lose % of the swords total durability, and give all of your wolves speed 3, jump 3, strength 1, regen 5.
    Assassin Blade- Right click to teleport 3 blocks distance ahead, and reverse rotation. This ability has a 1 second cooldown. Shift while holding to get invis 2.
    Viper Edge- Hits with this sword deal 5 seconds of poison 2.
    Exophaser- hits from this sword ignore 30% of enemy armour, including enchantments.
    Guilded treasureblade- Hit a player with this sword to steal $5 to $15 of their money. Feel free to tie in with VAULT. im using essentials economy.
    Moulten Axe- hits with this axe do 3x damage to armour.
    Sword of decay- hits with this sword deal 4 seconds of wither 2.
    Sword of thunder- this gold sword has a 45% chance to strike the target with lightning. If the sword is swung at (enemy on the crosshairs) an enemy, the chance will occur.
    Crystal of denial- if this crystal is in a players inventory and that player is to die, they will not drop any items from their inventory, and will respawn at spawn with all their items, but the crystal will break.
    Withered battleaxe- When swung, it has a 10% chance to summon a witherskull.
    Blade of wealth- This sword has a base damage of 5, but deals +1 damage per $2500 in the users bank account.
    Magma blade- Hits with this sword ignite all nearby players for 5 seconds.
    Immortal Gem- Right click with the gem to get instant health 2. It has 10 uses before it breaks, there is a 3 second cooldown before it can be used again.
    All weapons are diamond unless specified.
    If you have any more ideas, put them in the comments.

    EDIT (Important) The plugin was worked on for a bit, but abandoned. Here is the plugin so far- its nearly done.
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    changes that need to be made:
    Mob support to be added.
    Citizens npc support (included in mob support) to be added
    Weapon config file to be added (weapon type, weapon damage)
    Crystal of immortality is broken. (doesnt work)
    Crystal of denial works, but all crystals in the inventory are broken on death, fix to one.
    Spelling mistakes to be fixed.
    If you want to adopt this, please tell me.

    Thanks :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2016
  2. Offline


    If I was to make an API for this, YOU could create a config for every item ;)
  3. Offline


    ooh cool :D

    oops, forgot to tag :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  4. Offline


    Sorry, I've had other commitments and won't be able to do this one :(
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  7. Offline





    I am doing it with a GUI, where you can click on the weapon, meaning that you don't have to type the command.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  8. Offline


    oh cool! :D would you like a monument thing in the spawn point? (hoping to get server up @ end of year)
  9. Offline


  10. Offline



    Thanks for the offer but I think it'll be easier if I did it myself :)

    I could use some help with testing the plugin though :)


    Sure :p - be sure to PM me the IP :)

    Would it be alright if each weapon had its own icon in the GUI? For example if a player had a fire weapon then I could do flint and steel not a sword?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  11. Offline


    sure, im only going to be using the gui to spawn in the items though (using IBUY to sell them at a shop), so you dont need to make it look beautiful if you dont need to :3
  12. Offline


    This is possible with a combination of several plugins
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    thats allright. just needed to know if i had to find another dev :3
  16. Offline


    made an edit
  17. Offline


    I have a suggestion, to make it better for other servers, have it so it gives you like a netherstar with a name, or something. And when you right click with that nether star it'll open a chest gui if you have the right weapon/tool in your inventory, for example if you had Frost Axe crystal and you right clicked it, and they had an axe in their inventory a chest gui will open and you can click on the axe and it will enchant it that way, but if you don't have an axe it'll say something along the lines of "you do not have the required tool"
  18. Offline


    you can add that if you want but im just after the weapons (they are rewards from treasure chests)
  19. Offline


    bump. remember most of the code is allready done. it just needs a few fixes
  20. Offline


  21. Offline



    All of the code is already done and the dev didn't communicate with me at all?

    Shame on them :p
  22. Offline


    Shame on me
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