Custom explosions only deal damage but doesn't explode?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by petrifiednightmares, May 14, 2011.

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  1. Code:
    net.minecraft.server.World world= ((CraftWorld)w).getHandle();
    world.a(null, l.getX(), l.getY(), l.getZ(), 2f);
    w is a

    This deals damage in the area around the explosion but doesn't actually create the explosion itself. No blocks are destroyed, no explosion sound.

    What did I do wrong?
  2. Offline


    where did the a() come from? craftworld doesn't have a method a()
  3. Offline


    He's not referencing CraftWorld, he's referencing World.
    That really should work fine. However, keep in mind that the function your calling will call the Bukkit hooks. So if you're running any plugins that prevent explosions, they won't go off.
  4. Oh that makes sense, since its a purely server side explosion, the client would present no indications of its effects if I have world guard set to prevent tnt. Thanks.
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