Cuboid plugin request

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Kiro_Dragoon, Jun 9, 2012.

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    Yes I know of TPack and the simple cuboid, but I had one that could replace blocks of a certain type AND fill areas... the creator seems to have stopped making that plugin though and it no longer works.

    It was very handy, and I was always using it to save time in creative. There was a spot in the file to change what tool was used for it.

    The commands should be simple and quick to use, but easy to remember... I would list them from the old plugin but I have forgotten them...

    I am attempting to attach the old plugin in in text format in case it comes in handy. (just change the .txt to .jar)

    I would do this myself, but I know nothing about making programs or code and whatnot ._.

    Im sure this plugin would become popular, seeing on how its so useful in large projects ^.^

    Attached Files:

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  3. Offline


    i was unaware of that plugin, thank you

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