I personally have been going around threads on here for like 8 days now not finding how to make your plugin export a yml in the src folder and I finally found it. this has been quite a big problem for me and it is actually really easy to do. -_- So I'm putting the code in here to try and help others with it. I hope this has helped you Code: getCustomConfig("testFile.yml"); #The line to activate it public FileConfiguration getCustomConfig(String name) { if (!new File(getDataFolder(), name).exists()) { if(getResource(name) != null) { saveResource(name, false); return YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(getDataFolder(), name)); } getLogger().warning("Error, the plugin was NOT able to find the given file (" + name + ")"); } return YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(getDataFolder(), name)); } Note that every space has to be 1 tab (if the code moves 1 to the right there has to be 1 tab there)