Create Custom Items and Textures

Discussion in 'Resources' started by lil_kho, Oct 5, 2023.

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    Hello everyone, I've decided to explain the contents of this past resource guide in a video. This resource helped me create custom textures, but I feel like it does miss steps in implementing that a novice developer for Spigot could easily miss. When I first started creating custom items, I had to do a lot of research outside of this guide to figure it out so once I figured it out, I thought why not actually explain it in a video for other people. I found that this isn't a concept that's really explained out there in its entirety, so I've taken the initiative to help anyone that's new to plugin development and wants to create their own custom items to make their plugins feel special.

    I would appreciate your support, and if this is something that helps other people, I'll gladly continue creating more video tutorials on advanced plugin mechanics that aren't explained enough in other videos or online resources. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

    Also I admit that I didn't choose the most efficient methods of doing certain things, but it's mainly cause I did everything right on spot, so if something in my programming seems off just know that it was just for time based reasons and I didn't want think too hard on it.

    Thank you so much, and I hope to do more for the community here at Spigot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2023
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @lil_kho IF you decide to cross post on both forums: then at least watch the last line.

    Moved to correct section
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    I see, thank you, that's a major oversight by me.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @lil_kho Couple of tips:
    Make the chapters actual chapters on the video.
    Share the final project somewhere.
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    Good points, I've been trying to fix the chapters thing but I think they're just genuinely not showing up for now and it might take around 24 hours. Once I get full verification on YouTube I'm going to link all the proper resources and a project repository. I really appreciate the tips and I'll see what I can do.
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