
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by POWIFY03, Feb 1, 2015.

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    Plugin category: crates

    Suggested name: Crates

    What I want: I would like the crates to be easily modified and items can be added easily. For example if i want a common crate i hold the item that i want to add to that crate and do /crate add 1 and it will add what i have in my hand and i can change the percentage of how you get it for example a stone sword could be a 80% chance while a diamondsword could be 20%. Also i want these crates to work with ranks say a player buys the highest rank they will recieve their rank and a rare crate. The crates after they will open will stay their until all the items are gone and then it will give a warning and it will disappear with diamond particles. Also if i put in the config i can change it so that it can land in somewhere on the map and it could say in chat "a common crate has landed at x y z" or "a rare crate has landed at x y z" and it is easy to change in the configs. Also say if the lowest rank gets a crate we can set it so they have a chance of getting the highest rank kit.
    Ideas for commands: /crate help, /crate create (name)

    Ideas for permissions: none

    When I'd like it by: Tomorrow
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