Crafting with grass

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Ward1246, Feb 28, 2015.

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    I was wondering how to craft grass, in bukkit there is only one type of grass (This: [grass]) I want to craft with the walk-through-able grass that looks similar to this: [wheatgrown]. I also would like to make this craft a double plant, in this case double tall grass. Here is my current code:

    ShapedRecipe craftDoubleGrass = new ShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(Material.DOUBLE_PLANT, (short) 2)).shape(" G ", " G ", " ").setIngredient('G', Material.GRASS);

    This code adds the crafting recipie of this: [grass]
    [grass] Crafts into a sunflower.

    I tried to make this as least confusing as possible. It's hard to tell what grass i am talking about because they are both named grass. If it helps i want to craft 2 of the grass of ID:31/1 into double plant (double tall grass) ID:175/2 Thank you for any help.
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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
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    That helped, but not it's 31/0. Is there any way i can make it's ID 31/1? using the short method isn't working when using it on the crafted item, it just yields that many of the item rather than checking for the item data.
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