Chest shop and Iconomy (essentials protect)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Nercoe, Mar 20, 2012.

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    Confusing? Yes! My problem is that I have just installed the Iconomy and chestshop plugin but when i create the sign, despite it saying shop created, whenever I click the sign it just gives me the message:

    [Essentials protect] protection owner: {name}

    This doesn't let me buy the item despite me being op, does anyone know the fix? I will rep :D

    It seems as though Essentials protect is overriding the chestshop plugin but surely I should still receive the item?
  2. Offline


    Have you got any error in the console?

    Are you in creative mode? - Change back to survival or edit the config
    Are you using Tekkit? - Use ChestShop 3.35, Tekkit server is outdated and uses CB 1.1-R4
    Are you holding a sign? - Use the sign with anything besides sign (this is for the sign editing plugins)
    Nercoe likes this.
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    This looks like you are trying to place a sign that is in an area protected by Essentials. Review their documentation to find a solution, which is most likely adding yourself to the area protected. (Personally, I opt for WorldGuard as I find it to be much more versatile and user-friendly.)
    Nercoe likes this.
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    I was in creative mode but it didn't fix, I am not using Tekkit I am using CB 1.1 - R4 and I'm not holding a sign :/ it's so confusing, thanks for the reply though mate, I'll check the config!

    I used Worldguard already, I tried it in an unprotected area and still nothing, thanks for the reply.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    This was the first thing I checked, I just find it really strange how it says Essentials protect even when it says shop successfully created. It's is probably essentials overriding a great plugin...

    All suggestions welcome :)


    I'm desperate for suggestions guys, I'm not the only one with this problem, I have seen people with it, surely someone has encountered it before and fixed it?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    I wouldn't bump the thread as many times as you are doing, as it could get this thread locked, or worse, you getting banned.

    It looks to me like you have to work on your permissions. When dealing with a problem like this, it is a simple matter of process of elimination. Conflicts with plugins happen but are rare, so it is up to you to troubleshoot, as there is no simple fix for anything you might come across.

    I would first disable the Essentials protection and make sure that Chestshop works. That lets you know that it is working as intended. If Essentials is preventing you from clicking on a sign to purchase something, then it is Essentials restricting your access. You then need to see why, most likely something having to do with the way the area protected is defined.

    I seriously would recommend removing EssentialsProtect. I had similar issues with it and opted to not use it. I only use the Essentials core and EssentialsSpawn, and use other plugins to fill in the gaps. WorldGuard is my preferred method of area protection and in my opinion is vastly superior to EssentialsProtect, so I recommend you try it again (along with WorldEdit, as it is a requirement for WorldGuard).
  8. Offline


    The solution: Delete EssentialsProtect under the plugins folder. When using chestshop place the chest down first,
    the sign next to it. Make sure its not next to a corner or anything, this can cause problems with the plugin for some, strange reason. You could also have the chest put down first and have the sign on a wall above it. it doesn't matter as long as the chest is down first. When creating Sign... 1st line: Admin Shop
    2nd line: [quantity of the item you want to buy or sell]
    3rd line: B [Amount of dollars you want to buy it for]:[amountof dollars you want to sell it for] S
    4th line: [Item ID]
    For example it could look like this: Admin Shop
    B 1500:750 S

    Make sure your in survival gamemode and your not clicking the sign with another sign.
  9. Offline


    how is deleting the entire essentialsprotect the solution? >.>

    theres a config option to disable protecting signs. and besides, it doesnt even look like a conflict.
  10. Offline


    Sorry, I meant to say to use another plugin for protection of items and so on for a server seeing as essentialsprotect doesn't offer much to the user in comparison to plugins such as worldguard. Also, if you think that your idea would help this guy why don't you put more detail in your post for him to actually use it and fix his problem, if your just using it as an excuse to take a shot at me then this isn't really the place to do it.
  11. Offline


    i said, essentials config.yml, essentialsprotect section, under blacklist, you have the option to disable sign protect. set to false, if theres actually a conflict. but it sounds like a playerinteractevent not firing, since in 1.3.x, the event wont get fired if block place is cancelled.
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