Solved Check arguments returns false

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Eskillu, Jun 4, 2016.

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    My check 2 arguments returns false even being equal!!!
    if(args[0].equals(args[1])) {
                                player.sendMessage(tag + "§cAs suas senhas não estão iguais!");
    There is args 1 and 2 \/

    Please, help.
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    I don't think I understand what you would need this for :S
    Anyway, you check if they're equal, and then send the message. Aren't you supposed to check if they're not equal?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to plugin development.
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    He probably needs this for a plugin that requires players to log in ingame, and when creating their account they have to write the password twice to confirm it.

    And yes I agree with you, shouldnt it be sending that message when args[0] != args[1] ?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @TheFl4me Always compare strings with equals, never with == or similar.
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    Oh thx, good to know ._.

    WHy is that if I may ask?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Because it won't work if you use ==
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    @TheFl4me ==/!= should only be used for null checks or to compare an enum/primitive, .equals() should be used for everything else, otherwise two of the same objects with the same data would not be equal.

    Strings are not enums or primitive therefore should use .equals() too.
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    To expand, the double equals checks reference equality so if this player you sent me equals that player I have saved and with strings even though it is the same value, it is different references.
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