ChatPause - temporarely stop all chat

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by RPGCraft, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Administration

    Suggested name: ChatPause

    What I want: I would like a plugin where you could type /chatpause or /pause or something similar and it would stop all chat except for players with the bypass permission, like staff.
    When chat is stopped, anyone without the bypass permission would be given the message 'Chat has been temporarily stopped!'
    However it would not stop private chat (if possible?)

    Ideas for commands: /pause

    Ideas for permissions: chatpause.bypass

    When I'd like it by: Anyday
  2. Hm, I'll give this a try. There would also have to be a /unpause command though too, right?
  3. Offline


    Oh right yeah, /pause could just toggle it, or a separate command to do it.

    > Commands: /pause <Once to toogle, and once more to untoogle>
    > Permissions: -ChatPause.pause <Allows you to /pause the chat>
    -ChatPause.bypass <Allows you to chat when the chat is paused>

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