Chat Plugin help??

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RealZzCreations, Aug 16, 2015.

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    I was wondering if anyone knows how to make it where a person types a certain command and it spams the chat and spams noise... Like in this video

    The Sounds/Noise (Ghast and trapdoor) could also be heard by other players..Anyone know how?
    I wanted to make it just like that.. If someone knows how to do this please help?

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
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    Create a shedule task (about ~4 ticks), then check if someone types the command, if yes, then do stuff :p

    To play the sound to everyone simply do for loop of all players on the server and play them the sound :)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
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    Create a void in it a schedule, The scheduler should be 4 ticks, Create another scheduler to stop it. Run both voids when the player sends the command and has sugar in his hand.
  4. Offline


    How would i go about adding ticks? and a scheduler? Also anyone know the sound for the Ghast and trap door opening? I cant seem to find them . I am a little new to making Plugins.. Thanks for your reply and please help? :)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
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    Please take a look at Scheduler programming for the scheduler , Type in
    And if you're using Eclipse or Inteli It should tell you all the sound effects.
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    Can you guide me through on how to do this? Im new to Plugin making and need some help.
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