Hi all I wondered how I could create a chat link, like for URLs maybe clickable and will send player a message for example: Chat: Hi click this to get infos! *clicks* Prints It is 10PM Thanks
No ideas? Would be better without librairies. Maybe a chatclick event or something similar? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You'd probably have to get the message and play around with it using JSON, but you're gonna have to ask someone else to figure out how to do that. I haven't touched JSON before in my life
It would be better with libraries. They make coding much more simplistic for yourself. I never had much luck with fanciful for some reason. I've had success with using this one: https://forums.bukkit.org/threads/j...ate-and-send-json-messages-to-players.188165/