Inactive [CHAT] iChat 2.4.4 - Custom Chat Formatting [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Drakia, Feb 24, 2011.

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    iChat 2.x - Custom Chat Formatting
    Version: 2.4.4
    CraftBukkit: 1337

    Plugin Support:
    Permissions 2.x
    Permissions 3.x

    If you are requesting help, post your entire server log (From the time it opens, until somebody talks), your entire Permission config file (As well as what it's named), and iChat config files. This information is REQUIRED for me to help you. <-- Post configs there when asking for help

    Custom chat formatting.
    Based on the idea of iChat v1.5 by Nijikokun.
    Includes code and concepts from mChat by MiracleM4n <>

    Before downloading: iChat 2.4.x has quite a few changes over the 2.3.x branches. All permissions plugins are handled in one plugin, and they all operate in relatively the same way now. This means you WILL need to redo your configs.
    Download (Direct JAR):

    Supports Permissions (Both 2.0 and 2.1), and SuperPerms handlers (PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions, and PermissionsEx).
    Allows you to specify a prefix/suffix/variable for users and groups on a per-world or global basis.
    A user-specific prefix/suffix/variable will take priority over a group prefix/suffix/variable, a world-based prefix/suffix/variable will take priority over a global prefix/suffix/variable.
    Unlimited amount of custom variables for use in chat format.
    Colors are supported in all parts of the formatting and chat text.
    Usable health bar and health amount in the formatting.
    Support for formatting of /me

    Message formatting is defined in the file plugins/iChat/config.yml
    The message formats can contain characters, color codes, and variables.
    To use colors use the standard Minecraft color codes found here:

    Available variables:
    +prefix - The prefix for this user, or this users group if they don't have one defined.
    +suffix - The suffix for this user, or this users group if they don't have one defined.
    +name - The users name
    +displayname - The users display name (Set by plugins such as Towny)
    +iname - The iChat formatted player name (Defined by iname-format)
    +group - The users group
    +healthbar - A visual health bar for this user
    +health - The users current health value (Between 0 and 20)
    +message - The message the player typed
    +world - What world the player is currently in
    +time - Timestamp, configurable in config.yml. Uses the format for SimpleDateFormat -

    Example (Default):
    iname-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +displayname'
    message-format: '+iname: +message'
    me-format: '* +name +message'
    date-format: 'HH:mm:ss'
    handle-me: true
    Example date-format (Default):
    date-format: 'HH:mm:ss'

    As of iChat 2.4.0 there have been a few changes in the way variables and groups are handled.

    As of iChat 2.4.3 native groups are supported in Permissions 2.x/3.x, PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions, and PermissionsEx.

    Variables are now defined in variables.yml in the iChat directory. This includes prefixes, suffixes, and custom variables.
    You can define an unlimited number of custom variables for groups and users, if these variables contain the static variables such as +prefix,
    +suffix, +health, etc then those variables will be replaced with their respective values.
    If a variable does not exist then it will be replaced with a blank string.

    As of iChat 2.4.4 you can now specify world-specific variables. To specify a per-world group or user variable (Prefix, suffix, or variable) you just specify it under the world as shown in the 'world' example in the default variables.yml below. Anything specified in the parent 'users' or 'groups' nodes will be considered global for all worlds.

    Default variables.yml:
    # iChat Variable Config
    # This is now the only method for defining variables
            prefix: '&e'
            prefix: '&c'
            suffix: ''
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
          prefix: '&a'
    Default config.yml:
    handle-me: true
    date-format: HH:mm:ss
    message-format: '+iname: +message'
    me-format: '* +name +message'
    iname-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +displayname'
    To make a group colored:
            prefix: '&4'
            suffix: ''
    message-format: '[+prefix+group&f] +name: +message'
    To make a single username colored:
            prefix: ''
            suffix: '&1'
    message-format: '[+prefix+group&f] +suffix+name&f: +message'
    As you can see, suffixes and prefixes can be used anywhere, in any combination. In this example we use prefix as a method for coloring group names, while suffix is used to color individual users. On our server we have prefixes such as "&f[&2Mod&f] " so that we can have custom tags per group instead of just the groups name. There is no end to the combination of things you can do, please TRY things before you come asking for someone else to do it for you. There are too many combinations of things for me to answer every question about how to color specific things.
    I will not be offering answers to questions such as "How do I color names?" or really anything else to do with specifics of formatting. It's pretty straightforward what you can do, and if you can't take the time to experiment then I'm not going to take the time to answer your questions.

    iname-format - The format used for +iname (Default: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +displayname')
    message-format - The format used for basic chat (Default: '+iname: +message')
    date-format - The format used for +date (Default: 'HH:mm:ss')
    me-format - The format used for /me commands (Default: '* +name +message')
    handle-me - Whether to handle /me commands (Default: true)

    ichat.color - Allow this group/user to use color in their chat messages.
    ichat.reload - Allow this group/user to use "/ichat reload"

    /ichat reload - Reload the iChat config file

    Q) Why is my custom message format not working? I just get the default output. Or output with no variables filled in.
    A) If you're using Permissions 2.1, make sure your Permissions config file is named "{worldname}.yml" where {worldname} is the name of your world. If you're using Permissions 2.0, make sure your Permissions config is named config.yml

    Q) How do I set the brackets color to the same as the group?
    A) Normally you have the brackets in the message-format variable, but you can just as easily move them into prefix/suffix and that way they can be per-group colored!

    Q) Why is my entire string colored? I just put a color code beside +name!
    A) A color code will persists until another color code is encountered, or the end of the line is reached. To change the line back to white use &f after the variable/string you want colored.

    Q) Why are my OPs names red?
    A) Essentials has this functionality built in. Change "ops-name-color" to 'none' in your Essentials config file.

    Q) Why does {PluginX} not work with iChat?
    A) There's a good chance it does, but you need to use +displayname instead of +name.

    Q) Why does Towny not work with iChat?
    A) iChat no longer uses %1$s for the player name, it uses player.getName() and player.getDisplayName(), until such a time that Towny is updated to use the proper method of setting a players name (Set their displayName) it will not work with iChat.

    [Version 2.4.4]
    - Updated to new FileConfiguration class
    - Fixed bypass exploit for colors in messages
    - Multi-world support for variables.yml
    - Resolved an issue with /me not reloading player variables
    [Version 2.4.3]
    - Permissions overhaul. No longer require group.{name} node unless not using a permissions handler
    [Version 2.4.2]
    - Fixed issue with inheritance in Permissions
    - Implemented start of online time variable. Need output format.
    [Version 2.4.1]
    - Remove plugin-specific group referencing. All groups are now managed via group.* nodes,
    the exception being pure Permissions 2.x/3.x
    - Fixed /ichat reload not reloading variables.yml
    - Updated /me to use BroadcastMessage
    [Version 2.4.0-final]
    - Took out variable caching, there's no hook for PermissionChange.
    - Updated README to include info on group.* nodes
    [Version 2.4.0-beta]
    - Merged all branches into one
    - Supports Perms 2.x/3.x, SuperPerms, GroupManager
    - Added a more advanded API based on the mChat API
    - Massive thanks to MiracleM4n for code and concepts
    - All variables are now retrieved from variables.yml instead of Permissions
    - Removed censor code
    [Version 2.3.2-p3]
    - Set Permissions as a dependency in plugin.yml
    - Added Permissions 3 support to the -p3 jar
    [Version 2.3.1]
    - Added iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String, Format) API
    - Added hook for /me chat formatting using the "me-format" config option
    [Version 2.3.0]
    - Added external iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String) API
    [Version 2.2.3]
    - Added +displayname/+d for player.getDisplayName()
    [Version 2.2.2]
    - Updated to latest RB
    [Version 2.2.1]
    - Updated how Permissions is loaded
    [Version 2.2.0]
    - Added the ability to have an unlimited amount of variables in message-format
    - Changed versioning scheme
    [Version 2.11]
    - Now uses per-world permissions information
    [Version 2.10]
    - Allow admins to enable color on a permissions basis
    [Version 2.09]
    - Another small update to Permissions (Returned false when I should have returned true)
    [Version 2.08]
    - Pushes PacketCollisions PermVersion change. Fixes issues with 2.5.2
    [Version 2.07]
    - Added +time tag
    [Version 2.06]
    - Added +world tag
    [Version 2.05]
    - Ignore whether the plugin is GM, just treat everything as Permissions! Means you need FakePermissions.
    [Version 2.04]
    - Added the ability to use variables in the suffix and prefix (More customizeable messages)
    [Version 2.03]
    - Verify that all available variables aren't null before calling parse
    - Fixed crash caused by color code at end of message (Basic fix, added a space)
    [Version 2.02]
    - Fix for possible NPE
    [Version 2.01]
    - There's a bug in Permissions 2.1 in getPermissionString, switched to getUserPermissionString
    [Version 2.00]
    - Initial re-write of Niji's plugin.
    - Added Permissions 2.0/2.1, and GroupManager support.[/b]
    FFS2309, Lolmewn, wassilij and 12 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Getting rid of TextWrap fixed it - thank you!!!
  3. Offline


    Can confirm working fine with Permissions 3.15
  4. Offline


    iChat is working great on our server. Just curious, I don't have the +world in the config file, but it shows the Users world when they chat anyway. Is it possible to remove it? Just making the stuff before the message long :)

    This is how it looks currently:

    censor-list: []
    censor-color: '&f'
    date-format: HH:mm:ss
    message-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f]+prefix+name: &f+message'
    me-format: '* +name +message'
    censor-char: '*'
    censor-string-color: '&f'
    censor-colored: false

  5. Offline


    @Tagz That would be another plugin that is adding the world if it's not in your config.
  6. Offline


    weird, when I had herochat it was never added. And when I have no chats on its not included. Just trying to figure out where its coming from then :)


    Damn thanks man. Didn't even think to check out multiverse /embarrased


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  7. Offline


    Edited the first post with a link to a build edited for and compiled against Permissions 3.
    Jandalf likes this.
  8. Offline


    Out of curiosity, what had to be changed for it to work with Permissions 3? I didn't have any problems with my setup, so I'm wondering what problems there was.
  9. Offline


    That's in MultiVerse!
    Edit in the config the prefix setting:

    prefix: false
  10. Offline


    Nothing had to be changed, I just changed from using the "deprecated" methods to using the renamed, but exact same, methods.
  11. Offline


    ok, I was wondering :S
  12. Offline

    Matt Gill

    Hey does this work with the new permissionsEx plugin?
  13. Offline


    Absolutely no clue, if it has a proper Permissions bridge then I'd go with yes. But I can't offer any support past that.
  14. Offline

    Matt Gill

    Alright thanks I'll try it out.
  15. Offline


    I'll get [DEFAULT] (name) with the new Permissions :S, even if i got it to be [ADMIN] on my old server.
  16. Offline


    @Potetsjokolade The new Permissions sucks, run 2.7.x ;)

    It's probably something to do with the globalUsers/globalGroups if you're trying to use those, the devs for Permissions epicly failed at implementing that.
  17. Offline


    Whatever you did with /me, do it with normal chat. :eek:
  18. Offline


    euhm... well...
    some of my players are unable to talk... no error or something, it just doesn't show up. some players with the same permissions and stuff can talk but some of them not... and like i said no errors or something, everything is working fine according to the log.
    what do i do wrong?
    no, i will not go back to permissions 2.7.4, i finally got permissions 3 to work...

    EDIT: using permissions 3 btw
  19. Offline


    iChat does not cancel chat events.
  20. Offline


    Work in 935?
  21. Offline


    Awesome plugin, it has a lot of people trash talking it saying it doesn't work, they are simply incompetent. It works great i just installed it after seeing [803] still next to the HeroChat plugin today. The way these plugins handle is obviously different being 2 separate plugins but the work to achieve similar results between the two is minimal. Keep the good work up, im looking forward to updates. :)
  22. Offline


    Hey Drakia,

    Just wondering if you know a way to make iChat show all groups assigned?
    As i use the following for my players;
    [O] = Owner
    [A] = Admin
    [M] = Mod
    [D] = Donator
    and nothing for normal players as a prefix, Is there any way i can make it show all the groups there in?
    Eg. my new mod would be [M][D], i have listed him as Donator and Mod in permisisons multigroup, but only [M] is showing up.

    Do i have to add [M][D] to the individual players prefix in users.yml or can iChat do it automaticly from the users.yml alone?

    Thanks for your time.
  23. Offline


    Ichat-p3 is for prefix of permissions v.3.x?
    Answer soon plz
  24. Offline


    @Lynxdragon There is no way to get all of the players groups in iChat, you need to add those prefixes to a user variable yourself. If you have any suggestions on how to read/user every group in the config, I'd be willing to listen, because so far I haven't thought of any.
    @vasil7112 iChat-p3 is for Permissions 3.x

    Just thought if a method for multi-group listing. Will have an update out this weekend.
  25. Offline


    Does this work on #953?
  26. Offline


    Seems to work fine with 953, yes.
  27. Offline


    Plugin is working fine in b953
  28. Offline


    I love you so much for supporting permissions 3 now, it was lonely without this plugin.
  29. Offline


    Got a question.

    Let's say, if I want to have 2 users the text [Owner] in front of their name? How do I do that? I tried testing some stuff, but I can't get it to work. I only want 2 users those text in front of them, not every single user that enters my group.

    Can't figure it out...
  30. Offline


    Thank you so much for including, in some way, a Permissions 3.x compatible version. You saved my server from insanity!
  31. Offline


    From the first post:
    Also, note this:

    This is why he stopped supporting the plugin--people don't read his posts, so why should he read theirs?
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