Inactive [CHAT] iChat 2.4.4 - Custom Chat Formatting [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Drakia, Feb 24, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    iChat 2.x - Custom Chat Formatting
    Version: 2.4.4
    CraftBukkit: 1337

    Plugin Support:
    Permissions 2.x
    Permissions 3.x

    If you are requesting help, post your entire server log (From the time it opens, until somebody talks), your entire Permission config file (As well as what it's named), and iChat config files. This information is REQUIRED for me to help you. <-- Post configs there when asking for help

    Custom chat formatting.
    Based on the idea of iChat v1.5 by Nijikokun.
    Includes code and concepts from mChat by MiracleM4n <>

    Before downloading: iChat 2.4.x has quite a few changes over the 2.3.x branches. All permissions plugins are handled in one plugin, and they all operate in relatively the same way now. This means you WILL need to redo your configs.
    Download (Direct JAR):

    Supports Permissions (Both 2.0 and 2.1), and SuperPerms handlers (PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions, and PermissionsEx).
    Allows you to specify a prefix/suffix/variable for users and groups on a per-world or global basis.
    A user-specific prefix/suffix/variable will take priority over a group prefix/suffix/variable, a world-based prefix/suffix/variable will take priority over a global prefix/suffix/variable.
    Unlimited amount of custom variables for use in chat format.
    Colors are supported in all parts of the formatting and chat text.
    Usable health bar and health amount in the formatting.
    Support for formatting of /me

    Message formatting is defined in the file plugins/iChat/config.yml
    The message formats can contain characters, color codes, and variables.
    To use colors use the standard Minecraft color codes found here:

    Available variables:
    +prefix - The prefix for this user, or this users group if they don't have one defined.
    +suffix - The suffix for this user, or this users group if they don't have one defined.
    +name - The users name
    +displayname - The users display name (Set by plugins such as Towny)
    +iname - The iChat formatted player name (Defined by iname-format)
    +group - The users group
    +healthbar - A visual health bar for this user
    +health - The users current health value (Between 0 and 20)
    +message - The message the player typed
    +world - What world the player is currently in
    +time - Timestamp, configurable in config.yml. Uses the format for SimpleDateFormat -

    Example (Default):
    iname-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +displayname'
    message-format: '+iname: +message'
    me-format: '* +name +message'
    date-format: 'HH:mm:ss'
    handle-me: true
    Example date-format (Default):
    date-format: 'HH:mm:ss'

    As of iChat 2.4.0 there have been a few changes in the way variables and groups are handled.

    As of iChat 2.4.3 native groups are supported in Permissions 2.x/3.x, PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions, and PermissionsEx.

    Variables are now defined in variables.yml in the iChat directory. This includes prefixes, suffixes, and custom variables.
    You can define an unlimited number of custom variables for groups and users, if these variables contain the static variables such as +prefix,
    +suffix, +health, etc then those variables will be replaced with their respective values.
    If a variable does not exist then it will be replaced with a blank string.

    As of iChat 2.4.4 you can now specify world-specific variables. To specify a per-world group or user variable (Prefix, suffix, or variable) you just specify it under the world as shown in the 'world' example in the default variables.yml below. Anything specified in the parent 'users' or 'groups' nodes will be considered global for all worlds.

    Default variables.yml:
    # iChat Variable Config
    # This is now the only method for defining variables
            prefix: '&e'
            prefix: '&c'
            suffix: ''
            prefix: ''
            suffix: ''
          prefix: '&a'
    Default config.yml:
    handle-me: true
    date-format: HH:mm:ss
    message-format: '+iname: +message'
    me-format: '* +name +message'
    iname-format: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +displayname'
    To make a group colored:
            prefix: '&4'
            suffix: ''
    message-format: '[+prefix+group&f] +name: +message'
    To make a single username colored:
            prefix: ''
            suffix: '&1'
    message-format: '[+prefix+group&f] +suffix+name&f: +message'
    As you can see, suffixes and prefixes can be used anywhere, in any combination. In this example we use prefix as a method for coloring group names, while suffix is used to color individual users. On our server we have prefixes such as "&f[&2Mod&f] " so that we can have custom tags per group instead of just the groups name. There is no end to the combination of things you can do, please TRY things before you come asking for someone else to do it for you. There are too many combinations of things for me to answer every question about how to color specific things.
    I will not be offering answers to questions such as "How do I color names?" or really anything else to do with specifics of formatting. It's pretty straightforward what you can do, and if you can't take the time to experiment then I'm not going to take the time to answer your questions.

    iname-format - The format used for +iname (Default: '[+prefix+group+suffix&f] +displayname')
    message-format - The format used for basic chat (Default: '+iname: +message')
    date-format - The format used for +date (Default: 'HH:mm:ss')
    me-format - The format used for /me commands (Default: '* +name +message')
    handle-me - Whether to handle /me commands (Default: true)

    ichat.color - Allow this group/user to use color in their chat messages.
    ichat.reload - Allow this group/user to use "/ichat reload"

    /ichat reload - Reload the iChat config file

    Q) Why is my custom message format not working? I just get the default output. Or output with no variables filled in.
    A) If you're using Permissions 2.1, make sure your Permissions config file is named "{worldname}.yml" where {worldname} is the name of your world. If you're using Permissions 2.0, make sure your Permissions config is named config.yml

    Q) How do I set the brackets color to the same as the group?
    A) Normally you have the brackets in the message-format variable, but you can just as easily move them into prefix/suffix and that way they can be per-group colored!

    Q) Why is my entire string colored? I just put a color code beside +name!
    A) A color code will persists until another color code is encountered, or the end of the line is reached. To change the line back to white use &f after the variable/string you want colored.

    Q) Why are my OPs names red?
    A) Essentials has this functionality built in. Change "ops-name-color" to 'none' in your Essentials config file.

    Q) Why does {PluginX} not work with iChat?
    A) There's a good chance it does, but you need to use +displayname instead of +name.

    Q) Why does Towny not work with iChat?
    A) iChat no longer uses %1$s for the player name, it uses player.getName() and player.getDisplayName(), until such a time that Towny is updated to use the proper method of setting a players name (Set their displayName) it will not work with iChat.

    [Version 2.4.4]
    - Updated to new FileConfiguration class
    - Fixed bypass exploit for colors in messages
    - Multi-world support for variables.yml
    - Resolved an issue with /me not reloading player variables
    [Version 2.4.3]
    - Permissions overhaul. No longer require group.{name} node unless not using a permissions handler
    [Version 2.4.2]
    - Fixed issue with inheritance in Permissions
    - Implemented start of online time variable. Need output format.
    [Version 2.4.1]
    - Remove plugin-specific group referencing. All groups are now managed via group.* nodes,
    the exception being pure Permissions 2.x/3.x
    - Fixed /ichat reload not reloading variables.yml
    - Updated /me to use BroadcastMessage
    [Version 2.4.0-final]
    - Took out variable caching, there's no hook for PermissionChange.
    - Updated README to include info on group.* nodes
    [Version 2.4.0-beta]
    - Merged all branches into one
    - Supports Perms 2.x/3.x, SuperPerms, GroupManager
    - Added a more advanded API based on the mChat API
    - Massive thanks to MiracleM4n for code and concepts
    - All variables are now retrieved from variables.yml instead of Permissions
    - Removed censor code
    [Version 2.3.2-p3]
    - Set Permissions as a dependency in plugin.yml
    - Added Permissions 3 support to the -p3 jar
    [Version 2.3.1]
    - Added iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String, Format) API
    - Added hook for /me chat formatting using the "me-format" config option
    [Version 2.3.0]
    - Added external iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String) API
    [Version 2.2.3]
    - Added +displayname/+d for player.getDisplayName()
    [Version 2.2.2]
    - Updated to latest RB
    [Version 2.2.1]
    - Updated how Permissions is loaded
    [Version 2.2.0]
    - Added the ability to have an unlimited amount of variables in message-format
    - Changed versioning scheme
    [Version 2.11]
    - Now uses per-world permissions information
    [Version 2.10]
    - Allow admins to enable color on a permissions basis
    [Version 2.09]
    - Another small update to Permissions (Returned false when I should have returned true)
    [Version 2.08]
    - Pushes PacketCollisions PermVersion change. Fixes issues with 2.5.2
    [Version 2.07]
    - Added +time tag
    [Version 2.06]
    - Added +world tag
    [Version 2.05]
    - Ignore whether the plugin is GM, just treat everything as Permissions! Means you need FakePermissions.
    [Version 2.04]
    - Added the ability to use variables in the suffix and prefix (More customizeable messages)
    [Version 2.03]
    - Verify that all available variables aren't null before calling parse
    - Fixed crash caused by color code at end of message (Basic fix, added a space)
    [Version 2.02]
    - Fix for possible NPE
    [Version 2.01]
    - There's a bug in Permissions 2.1 in getPermissionString, switched to getUserPermissionString
    [Version 2.00]
    - Initial re-write of Niji's plugin.
    - Added Permissions 2.0/2.1, and GroupManager support.[/b]
    FFS2309, Lolmewn, wassilij and 12 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Your post still barely makes sense. And if you can't comprehend basic string replacement then you shouldn't be running a server. Now go away.
    GameFreakDude likes this.
  3. Offline


    hey I had issue moving from hero chat to Ichat, as an admin, my name had tons of yellow[r][e]p[df]sp--.]s followed by my prefix wich was good tho, the thing is that normal builder and other group ended up beeing perfect. Can you help me fixing this ? I realy want to change from herochat
  4. Offline


    Haha Drakia You're my new hero.
  5. Offline


    hey nice plugin.

    i have one question can u add an optional function for IRC? would be nice to see, cuz i want irc and ichar but i cant find a plugin which supports both
  6. Offline


    Thyraxxx how did you migrate to HeroChat? Just moving prefixes from permissions? Post your own permissions, as well as the permissions of the Admin group, and any other admins on the server? Or just the whole file.

    Again, as stated above, he will not be adding new features. However...
    should work after Animosity updates to the latest RB. It may or may not already work with 798. I know it works with 766. Just remember to grab the preview build and NOT the regular one.
  7. Offline


    Hello. I was wondering how to take away the [world] on the chartbox. i think you edit the config to do that, but i am not sure. If you could help, it would be greatly apriciated. Thank you. :)

    Hello. I was wondering how to take away the [world] on the chartbox. i think you edit the config to do that, but i am not sure. If you could help, it would be greatly apriciated. Thank you. :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  8. Offline


    Double post? Tsk tsk tsk.
    Do you mean [World] to display the world you are in?
    So it shows like so:
    [World][Group][Prefix]Name - [Message]
    If so, here is a usable configuration:
    '&6<&f+world&6> &7[&f+group&7]&7+prefix &f+suffix+name &8- &f+message'
    It will display like this:
    <WorldName> [Admin] boriater - Hello!
  9. Offline


    Could you guys add local chat? and also iono when this started happening but, whenever i msg someone i get a console error.
  10. Offline


    iChat is only for chat formatting afaik, use another chat plugin for this. Also no new features are being added at the moment.

    And iChat shouldn't touch PMs to the best of my knowledge, post your console output, and what is the plugin that is used for pming someone? Edit your first post so the forum is less cluttered :)
  11. Offline


    [Version 2.3.0]
    - Added external iChat.ichat.parseChat(Player, String) API
  12. Offline


    What plugin do you recommend? I tried HeroChat, might rely back on that, but all i want is a Chat where localChat is enabled but theres a command where it disables it. Like EssentialsChat. uhh I tried using it but i think it took over iChat, and my user's prefix wasnt there D:
    Heres the console log of the msg thing, now this had happen after i updated iChat :confused:
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE] javax.script.ScriptException: Wrapped java.lang.NullPointerException (<Unknown source>#107) in <Unknown source> at line number 107
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at com.sun.script.javascript.RhinoScriptEngine.invoke(Unknown Source)
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at com.sun.script.javascript.RhinoScriptEngine.invokeFunction(Unknown Source)
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at nickguletskii200.SpyerAdmin.CustomHandling.playerMsg(Unknown Source)
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at nickguletskii200.SpyerAdmin.SpyerAdmin.onCommand(Unknown Source)
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.onCommandEssentials(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.onCommand(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-05-22 21:44:40 [SEVERE]     at
  13. Offline


    well I found out that those wierd prefix were actualy caused by level craft. They had no relation qith any of my config or permission file. I removed level craft and they went away. I just dont know why they are there with Ichat and dont with herochat.
  14. Offline


    Alright, So I've tried figuring this out. I've looked up all the information I could and even went through all 23 pages of posts on this and can't fix this issue. I keep getting the error. On top of which I can't get the [Admin] prefix to show before my name.

    This is the permissions "config" file (yes it is named exactly as the world name is)

    # System is no longer used, but may become used in the future
    # Copies is for multiple-world support
    #   Put the name of the world you wish for it to be a clone of, otherwise leave it empty.
    #   If this file is for your default world (the one in then you must
    #   leave copies blank.
    #  Example: copies: Derp    -  This will clone the permissions of the world Derp
    # Make sure to rename this file to the name of the world that is in under
    # level-name.  So if it is level-name: world  then this should be world.yml and in the
    # plugins/Permissions directory (ie. plugins/Permissions/world.yml)
    # NOTE: Do not use tabs while editing this document.  Use only spaces.  A good way to avoid
    # doing this is to use Notepad++ and replace the tab with 4 spaces.
            system: default
    # AntiBuild is included with this.  To disable a group from being able to build then
    # set the build: flag to false (build: false).  If you want a group to be able to build
    # then set it to true.
    # Groups can contain inheritance.
    #   To make a group inherit the permissions from another
    #   group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:" like so:
    #   Example:
    #       inheritance:
    #           - Default
    #   All permissions including the asterisks must be placed in single quotes.
    #   like so:
    #       - ''
    #   Otherwise errors will happen!
    #   Globalized Permission settings:
    #       If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter:
    #           - 'foo.*'
    #       This will allow you to use all general commands.
    #   Single Asterisk denotes all commands:
    #       - '*'
    #   If you give a group this permissions, do not have the group inherit any permissions
    #   from other groups.  Any users assigned to this group should NOT be given any additional
    #   permissions either.
    #   To exempt a node use the - prefix like so:
    #       - ''
    #   prefix: and suffix: do not do anything on their own.  You need another outside plugin
    #   such as iChat or HeroChat in order for these to do anything.
        default: true
        - '-worldguard.*'
        - '-worldedit.*'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.list'
        - 'essentials.motd'
        - 'essentials.rules'
          prefix: 'Untrusted'
          build: false
          suffix: ''
        default: false
        - '-groupmanager.mantogglesave'
        - 'essentials'
        - 'essentials.clearinventory'
        - 'essentials.cooldown.bypass'
        - 'essentials.deljail'
        - 'essentials.give'
        - 'essentials.god'
        - 'essentials.heal'
        - 'essentials.heal.others'
        - 'essentials.invsee'
        - 'essentials.item'
        - 'essentials.jails'
        - 'essentials.kickall'
        - 'essentials.kit.*'
        - 'essentials.mute'
        - 'essentials.sell'
        - 'essentials.setjail'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.spawnmob'
        - 'essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass'
        - 'essentials.teleport.timer.bypass'
        - 'essentials.togglejail'
        - 'groupmanager.*'
        - 'essentials.burn'
        - moderator
          prefix: 'SemiAdmin'
          build: true
          suffix: ''
        default: false
        - 'essentials.afk'
        - 'essentials.back.ondeath'
        - 'essentials.balance'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.compass'
        - 'essentials.home'
        - 'essentials.kit'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.mail'
        - 'essentials.mail.send'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.msg'
        - 'essentials.nick'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.portal'
        - 'essentials.protect'
        - 'essentials.sethome'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.signs.disposal.create'
        - 'essentials.signs.disposal.use'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.signs.heal.use'
        - 'essentials.signs.mail.create'
        - 'essentials.signs.mail.use'
        - ''
        - ''
        - 'essentials.signs.sell.use'
        - ''
        - ''
        - 'essentials.suicide'
        - 'essentials.tpa'
        - 'essentials.tpaccept'
        - 'essentials.tpahere'
        - 'essentials.tpdeny'
        - 'essentials.warp'
        - 'essentials.warp.list'
        - 'essentials.worth'
        - default
          prefix: 'Builder'
          build: true
          suffix: ''
        default: false
        - 'essentials.back'
        - 'essentials.ban'
        - 'essentials.banip'
        - 'essentials.broadcast'
        - 'essentials.delwarp'
        - 'essentials.depth'
        - ''
        - 'essentials.getpos'
        - 'essentials.jump'
        - 'essentials.kick'
        - 'essentials.kill'
        - 'essentials.setwarp'
        - 'essentials.time'
        - 'essentials.togglejail'
        - ''
        - ''
        - 'essentials.tphere'
        - 'essentials.tpo'
        - 'essentials.tpohere'
        - 'essentials.tppos'
        - 'essentials.tptoggle'
        - 'essentials.unban'
        - 'essentials.unbanip'
        - 'essentials.whois'
        - ''
        - 'groupmanager.listgroups'
        - 'groupmanager.mandemote'
        - 'groupmanager.manload'
        - 'groupmanager.manpromote'
        - 'groupmanager.mansave'
        - 'groupmanager.manselect'
        - 'groupmanager.manuadd'
        - 'groupmanager.manudel'
        - 'essentials.ext'
        - builder
          prefix: 'Mod'
          build: true
          suffix: ''
        default: false
        - '-essentials.protect.damage.*'
        - '*'
        - semiadmin
          prefix: 'Admin'
          build: true
          suffix: ''
    # Users denote which users are included in which group.
    # TheNo1Yeti is in the Admin group
    # Herpina is a member of the Moderator group but also has access
    # to the herp.derp permissions
    # Derpina is a member of the admin group but does not have access
    # to the derp.derp permission node
    # Users can also have a prefix and suffix as seen with Herpina
            group: Admin
                prefix: 'Admin'
            group: Admin
    This is my ichat config
    censor-list: []
    censor-color: '&f'
    date-format: HH:mm:ss
    message-format: '[+prefix&f] +name: +message'
    censor-char: '*'
    censor-string-color: '&f'
    censor-colored: false
    this is the error im getting
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.settings file.
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-751-g45fecad-b798jnks (MC: 1.5_02)
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [INFO] Preparing level "420 Land"
    2011-05-23 07:27:42 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] Loaded Essentials build 2.2.19 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGeoIP build 2.2.19 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 2.2.19 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 2.2.19 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] iChat (v2.2.3) enabled
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7.4] (Phoenix)  loaded
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [iChat] Found Permissions (v2.7.4)
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [P2] version 2.2 has been enabled.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.4 enabled.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: Blacklist loaded.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (420 Land) Single session is enforced.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (420 Land) TNT ignition is blocked.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (420 Land) Lighters are blocked.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (420 Land) Lava fire is blocked.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: (420 Land) All fire spread is disabled.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world '420 Land"
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 enabled.
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] [EssentialsProtect] WorldGuard was detected, in the near future the following features of Protect will be disabled in favor of WorldGuard's versions
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable water flow
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable lava flow
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable water bucket flow
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable all fire spread
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable tnt explosion
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable creeper explosion
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [WARNING] disable all damage types
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [xAuth] Loading player accounts..
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [xAuth] Done! Loaded 3 Accounts!
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] [xAuth] v1.2.5 Enabled!
    2011-05-23 07:27:43 [INFO] Done (0.173s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-05-23 07:27:50 [INFO] bruceweed [/] logged in with entity id 40 at (58.5, 65.62000000476837, 468.5)
    2011-05-23 07:27:55 [INFO] [xAuth] Player 'bruceweed' has authenticated
    2011-05-23 07:27:58 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_CHAT to iChat
        at com.nijiko.permissions.Control.getGroup(
        at net.TheDgtl.iChat.iChat.getPrefix(
        at net.TheDgtl.iChat.playerListener.onPlayerChat(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-05-23 07:27:58 [INFO] <§cbruceweed§f> test
  15. Offline


    Yml is very much case sensitive and you need to make sure your casing matches. Knowing that, you will notice that your groups is actually Groups. Fix that and you should see some better results. You will probably also need to fix your inheritance. You have multiple mixed case errors in there too.
  16. Offline


    change what abou tthe groups? which part, you mean change Groups to groups?
  17. Offline


    Whichever; you just need to get some consistency with capitalization going in that config. Check for formatting errors with this yaml parser.
  18. Offline


    that kinda made things a bit more confusing. The formatting completely changed with all 3 of the options
  19. Offline


    Ah, ignore the right side unless it says there's an error. If it doesn't then your formatting's fine.
  20. Offline


    LMMFAO wow dude thanks. Sad thing is in my programming class I had. We talked all about issues with case sensitivity. Well, got this fixed thanks guys.
  21. Offline


    The groups tag can only be "groups". If you change the case of any part of it, it will break Permissions. The other casing problems may or may not break your permissions but it would be best to have them all cased the same way.
  22. Offline


    Waht are the color codes for the prefixes?
  23. Offline


    In the OP, you will find the following section and right after the last :, there will be a link to just that.
    Show Spoiler

    Inside plugins/iChat/config.yml you will find the line "message-format"
    This is the line you need to edit to change the format of chat messages, it can contain characters, color codes, and variables.
    To use colors use the standard Minecraft color codes found here:
  24. Offline



    And em Whats a suffix? XD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2016
  25. Offline


    Strangely enough, that same OP even tells you that. And goes on to show how to use it.
  26. Offline


    are you really not going to be doing any more updates? you shouldn't give up just because of some dumbass vocal minority that can't read instructions, just ignore them.

    just know that there a lot of people that use your plugin(s) and really appreciate the work you put into them
  27. Offline


    You may want to scroll up. He made an update just last night.
  28. Offline


    Funny, because I remember you being one of those dumbass minority who can't setup Permissions on their own, and can't read the first post in a topic and asks questions already answered in it.
  29. Offline


    you try to do a good thing...
  30. Offline


    Yes, but you see, it's users like you who are the reason I stopped offering support beyond the first post. So trying to "do a good thing" doesn't really work here.
    monoxide likes this.
  31. Offline


    There anywhere I can download version iChat 2.2.3 ? The new version is no longer compatible with ColorMe -_-
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