This isn't exactly Bukkit so please move this if I have missed a more suitable forum section but I have a dilemma here. As an incentive to donate to our server we wish to allow users to choose a color for their chat in game. This will be admin set. I know this can be done because another server does it, and I have asked their advice, but with no luck. We currently use EssentialsChat to add group colors and such with GroupManager as our permission manager. However, my friend suggested adding suffixes to people's names using GroupManager to set the color, I tried this and the text still appeared white. Last night I stripped our server to barebones running only group manager to set colors and yet still I got no luck at all. Could anybody offer any advice? Edit; Minecraft 1.6, Bukkit build 860
What are you putting in the suffix section of a user? If you're just putting literal colour names ( eg "Red", "Blue") I don't believe you can do it like that. You need to use specific colours codes that can be found here: (The ampersand<number> colours, eg for Red it's &c)
use permissions its better... and prefixes and suffixes are nothing cause its useable only by another plugin like ichat ichat can modify chat like changing its color and adding tags beside your name...check it out
Regardless, it means chat colours should work fine for what he's doing. So prefixes and suffixes DO mean something, contrary to what you said.
i said prefixes are nothing UNLESS u got another plugin like ichat EDIT:hmmm...i didnt put it in my last comment...i said useable only by another plugin LIKE ichat , but the point is pretty obvious...
Ah sorry, it just sounded like you meant that EssentialsChat didn't make use of suffixes/prefixes. No worries then. =)