Inactive [CHAT/ADMN] StopTalkingAutoBan [Reloaded!] Alpha1 - Intelligent Anti-Spam System [1.4.5-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Blackburn29, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. Offline


    • Adfly links are prohibited.
    StopTalkingAutoBan(S.T.A.B) - Spam monitoring, as it should be!


    Original v2.1.1
    Reloaded: Alpha1

    Like us on Facebook!


    This plugin was developed specifically to stop spam on your server as fast and effecient as possible.

    STAB is fully configurable. Ranging to from the messages that are sent to the user upon kick or ban, to tweaking the sensitivity of STAB.

    Currently by default, all builders get 1 offence for spamming. If that offence is used up, they will be banned from the server on their next offence. (Warnings may be turned off in the plugins config file)

    STAB also features it's own RemoteConsole system. Allowing admin to watch their servers from home without having to deal with pesky SSH or Command Line! Just simply type the ServerIP and stabRcon port number and hit connect! You will now be able to send commands, see whos currently logged in, chat in game, and kick/ban players, without ever logging into minecraft!

    Show Spoiler


    [​IMG] [​IMG]




    Documentation and Instructions:
    • Permissions and Configuration Options

    • Logs the IPs and Usernames of every player that joins.
    • Logs the chatlog with DisplayName and AccountName.
    • Watches each player individually for both Chat and Command Spamming
    • Lag Calibration/Anti-Lag
    • Intelligent system for detecting players that spam in game.
    • Fully Multi-threaded
    • Lots of configuration options to make the experience perfect for your server.
    • Easy to use both in-game, and in console.
    • Permissions support, but not required.
    • MCBans Support
    • PlayerLogging
    • RemoteConsole
    • On-The-Fly Editing of Configuration Options
    Download The Plugin

    If you enjoy this plugin, feel free to click the button below.
    Doing this will allow me to continue development and support each build.
    Any amount is GREATLY appriciated, even if its $1...
    KawaiiNeko, McEvan, columb and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    You should probably try re-downloading it before making comments like that. Especially if you expect tech support.
  3. Offline


    i removed this plugin and all its files, but i still get messages from my server saying "you are on the master ignore list".

    how do i stop this?
  4. Offline


    my plugin has nothing to do with any type of ignore lists....
  5. Offline


    oh wow sorry, i suppose it doesnt. i'll put this mod back on my server now.
    ha sorry again. i just assumed it was the mod since i got banned on my server is such.
  6. Offline


    No worries, sorry for the confusion! Hope everything gets worked out for you.
  7. Offline


    you are obviously yet another simple moron... hard to make yourself come to believe it, but look around... you are the only one with the issue? hmm interesting concept there for something that 'doesnt work'
  8. Offline


    Could you please add a Permissions node for seeing the "Logged at the same IP" messages?

    Thanks in advance.
  9. Offline


    I am currently having to re-write the event handling system in STAB, since bukkit depreciated the entire old system in 1.1-R3. But yes, I can.

    STAB2.0.4 out!

    Updated to new Bukkit Listener system and removed all depreciated code.

    More info can be found on:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  10. Offline


    This is a problem with your essentials configuration, and it has nothing to do with STAB. Try upgrading or downgrading if necessary your essentials plugins, and if that doesn't work I'd recommend reinstalling both plugins.
  11. Offline


    How can I stop the ticker of this plugin spamming in my console? Is there an option?
  12. Offline


    Does this conflict with townychat?

    They also have a spam watcher but its not exactly the best.
  13. Offline


    Getting my console spammed with this after updating to 2.0.4:

    Also, you might wanna fix this:
  14. Offline


    Yea, console spam, also, how do I make it use McBans?
  15. Offline


    My fault, will fix console spam tonight.

    works with towny chat.
  16. Offline


    Thank you
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    New update out. v2.0.4r

    Added config option to turn cmd-whitelist into a blacklist.
    Fixed issue on the server returning the wrong vertion number for updater.

    Yes, this works with TownyChat/HeroChat/mChat/PEXChat

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  19. Offline


    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa] 00:35:29 [INFO] coy71 Ticker: 1 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:29 [INFO] noelzelda Ticker: 1 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:29 [INFO] GreyBuck Ticker: 1 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa] 00:35:30 [INFO] The_Cold_Lord Ticker: 3 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa] 00:35:30 [INFO] OmegaTeaos Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa] 00:35:30 [INFO] mrgir1997 Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] Kymeera Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] joej1997 Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] LightLeone5600 Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] grimmmD Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa] 00:35:30 [INFO] Vertical_Lines Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa] 00:35:30 [INFO] epics Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: true[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] zizbird55 Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] TheInc Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] noelzelda Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] coy71 Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense: false exempt: false[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#aaaaaa]00:35:30 [INFO] GreyBuck Ticker: 2 chatTicks: 0/3 hasOffense:

    Spams my console to shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
  20. Offline


    I pushed out 2.0.4r last night that fixes this.
  21. Offline


    Great, thanks.
  22. Offline


    Like I asked before, how do I make it work with MCBans.
  23. Offline


    Well it would add it to the banned-players.txt I believe, so you could do manual imports
    or ask for the permission for bans so that it would use that ban system
    Ban-permission: mcbans.ban.local
  24. Offline


    STAB should automatically detect MCbans and use it. Check the server log on boot, it should say:

    [STAB] Using MCBans to ban players. Kicking will still be handled normally.

    If it doesnt, looks like I will need to look into fixing the MCBans hook
  25. Offline


    It says nothing about MCBans in the log, I am using the most current version. Also, SpamBot is a valid Global reason, If you allow it to access global bans I'd be happy. I mostly like this because of the mute system. I hope we can fix it because Antispam (Default Mcbans Spam) Likes To Ban People on lagspikes.
  26. Offline


    Shoot me a PM please
  27. Code:
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE] plugins/StopTalkingAutoBan/logschatLogBackups/020712-chatLogBackup.txt (No such file or directory)
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at Method)
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at<init>(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at<init>(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at me.blackburn.STAB.LogManipulation.getPreviousChatLog(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at me.blackburn.STAB.Main.onEnable(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [SEVERE]     at
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] [STAB] Old chatlog can be found at: /home/minecraft/live/tsp/plugins/StopTalkingAutoBan/logschatLogBackups/020712-chatLogBackup.txt
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] [STAB] Command Monitoring: Disabled!
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] **********************************************************
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] ** ============= > StopTalkingAutoBan < ==============  **
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] ** ========== | ==========  **
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] ** =======  Created by: Blackburn & Xizvyrious  ======  **
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] ** =========== Please consider a donation! ===========  **
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] **********************************************************
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] **                Checking for updates...               **
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] >> Unable to check version.. Is the update server down? <<
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] **********************************************************
    2012-02-07 02:17:13 [INFO] **    [STAB] Ver: [2.0.4r] was enabled successfully!     **
  28. Offline


    This error happened because the zip file that STAB was backing the serverlog up to was deleted or could not be created.
  29. Offline


    Hello 1st want to say I have been using STAB for about 2 months and I love it so thanks for your effort and work. Now enough sucking up :p but I wouldn't be posting if I didn't run into this problem so hopefully anyone could give me a hand.

    I'm running the latest verison of bukkit along with STAB and now when ever a player leaves I get this error...

    [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Cheewy"
    [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [SEVERE] at<>
    [SEVERE] at<Unknown Source>

    That's it right there does it for ever person that logs out no matter what. Well thanks for your time and hope this is an easy fix!
  30. What does

    2012-02-12 18:46:14 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "firesflame"
    2012-02-12 18:46:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2012-02-12 18:46:14 [SEVERE]at
    2012-02-12 18:46:14 [SEVERE]at


    Also this plugin seems to use about 70% more cpu than my server without it... is there a reason for that?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  31. Offline


    Looking at my source code, I can't tell what the error is, but it is more than likely a config error, or an incompatibility with another plugin. Also, make sure you are running the latest version if you are on 1.1-R3!

    I will have a new update out in a few days. Fixing a few known issues as well.
    Thanks for the support!

    I have not seen STAB be that resource heavy... But the reason behind it would be because STAB is pure multi-threaded. Basically meaning that it is using the CPU to carefully watch each player online.

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