Change Server Texture Pack via Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GeekPlaya, Dec 20, 2012.

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    Is it possible to change the server's texture pack setting and APPLY it through Bukkit without restarting the server afterwards?

    EDIT: For instance, I know I could use Java to edit the server.props file and change the setting manually, but that would require a reboot to be applied, right?
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    yes, i believe the server would have to be restarted to send the new updated texture pack to the clients (do correct me if i am wrong).

    Through my own experimentation if you change the server properties file you would have to stop the server then start it and not reload it. the reload only seamed to reload the plugins but didnt change in accordance with the new data in the file. the only way i could get it to change was to stop then start the server.
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