Plugin category: Fun Suggested name: Chance wheel (i dont actually care what you call it) What I want: Chance wheel plugin concept: A player with the permission wheel.create (default = op)can use the command /chw create (name)this will give the player a magma slimeball with the name of the wheel that the player has chosen. Currently, the wheel does nothing, and is pretty much just magma cream. To give it an effect, the player must be in creative mode, and break a chest (the chest comes back, the breaking is just to help the server find what it is doing), which links that wheel to that particular chest. The wheel is now armed. If a player right clicks with the wheel, a random item slot from that chest will be chosen to replace the wheel in the players inventory. This will keep: stack number, item lore + names, durability, colour, enchantments, and all id extras. using /chw get (name) and /chw delete (name) are two additional commands- one will delete the specified wheel while get just gives a dupe of the wheel specified. The chest must remain intact for the usage. Also, skim-reading is much easier with paragraphs! (lol no one removes that bit so im not going to either :3) Ideas for commands: Listed above Ideas for permissions: Also listed above When I'd like it by: Soon as possible (as about 99.99% of posts here are) please talk to me on the forum of you can make this Thanks! players will be able to buy these chance wheels at a spawn shop in my server, ranging in multiple tiers. if you are going to make this, dont bother with adding different items for all the chance wheels. also, please keep the chance wheel as a seperate "item" to magma cream, so right clicking with magma cream will not give the effect of a chance wheel. Maybe do this with lore? If you are doing this with lore, please make the lore: "A (name)" So i can have "a common chance wheel" ect. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
xXSilverswordXx I like the idea Is the wheel going to remain linked to the chest? So if the items in the chest are changed, so are those in the wheel?
yoft i dont quite know, im using signshop right now with an [ibuy] sign to link a sign shop to a chest (allows sales of non vanilla + plugin related items) which im going to sell the wheel with. The linking concept is quite similar to the one in signshop (hopefully) and yes, the wheel should update if the contents of the chest are edited (if possible, of course) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
thanks! would you like me to make a "thank you" sign on my server as well? (if it gets up, im waiting to see if im allowed to buy hosting for one) (i have to get good marks -_-) got such a big idea!
xXSilverswordXx Haha Fair enough I wouldn't mind EDIT:xXSilverswordXx LERNK Any questions or further development required, let me know
yoft they both work perfectly! just one this though with the chance wheel, when you use the wheel while there are multiple of the wheels in a stack, it replaces the whole stack. :/ could you change it a bit so that it will place the item in the players inventory (instead of overwriting the stack) if there are more than one chance wheel? thanks! also, if possible, could you please add a /chancewheel list
xXSilverswordXx Shall do that now BAM! Also, if the player has a full inventory, it'll drop the item from their face
yoft could you please make an edit where the wheels are chests? also, if possible, please create a dupe where enderchests (as items, but still chance wheels) need to be crafted with a key (fireworks star) to be unlocked? thanks! Please note that these are two seperate plugins :3 yoft, forgot to add- lore for the chest would be (contains a random item), locked enderchest lore is (craft it with a key to open it) and unlocked enderchest lore is (an unlocked rare item box) thanks, if possible :3 EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.