Hellom want to make a minecraft server for my class with some mods,but I can't get it to work.. I folowed the instructions on that wiki but I get this: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/8910/myprobkem.png It's dutch,but it is the "C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\Minecraft ONLINE>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." error It happens when I click the BAT file I made with notepad,yes I did replace the %programfiles% thingie with %program files%x(86) stuff I have windows 7 64 bit and I think the latest java.
Post the contents of your batch file please. You may also want to post the answers to the rest of the questions as well from this thread.
It looks like the space in Program Files is causing issues (you probably need to surround the path in quotes); also you can just run java, not the whole path to javaw.exe. Also note that unless you are in the directory with your minecraft_server.jar when you run the command, it wont work, you need the path to the .jar. (it looks like you are in the directory, in this case) Your URL seems to be duplicated multiple times in that link: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/you-need-help-we-need-this-information-to-help-you.2018/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Driving every team member nuts, including the devs. Probably a temp ban, but as I didn't lay out the ban hammer, I'm not going to lift it off.
When I run java.exe,even on administrator I get a dos screen that goes away in a flash! when I open the bukkit snapshot file thingie with java.exe,I get server logs. Yes the BAT is in the folder with the minecraft.jar. Everything is in downloads/server and my java is on tje C drive EDIT: opened 1 of em in notepad it says 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.4 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] **** NOT ENOUGH RAM! 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] To start the server with more ram, launch it as "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar" 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [INFO] Loading properties 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT! 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] The exception was: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port?
You can open a prompt, then start plugging in the commands to see what comes up; or add pause to the last line of your .bat file to see what's happening. I believe running the java command is essentially the same as passing the whole path to the exe, just a more effecient/stable way to do it.
I have no Idea what you just said,keep in mind that I DON"T KNOW ANYTHING of java or servers. I'm just a regular minecraft player. Please explain what you mean in greater detail.
Assuming you're using a .bat file, it's just a text file renamed so windows runs it in the command prompt window; so you can right click on it, click edit, then add a line at the end of the file and add 'pause', this will make the window stay open if it has an error or something until you press another key. I just mean that: "C:\Users\Brandon\Desktop\Minecraft ONLINE>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" is the same as java Note, I believe the "w" in javaw.exe just hides the prompt, so you could be running into something there too. I like having the prompt available on Windows, though I use debian for my host operating system. (I think, it works for me anyway)
no,no I needed to go to sleep real fast and wanted to reply,but I scrolled down too much and read Last night my dog told me that the blood of my victims purifies the earth. the contents of my batch(.bat) file? @ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" %ProgramFiles(x86)% \Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar PAUSE
and when you run that, you get Code: 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.4 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] **** NOT ENOUGH RAM! 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] To start the server with more ram, launch it as "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar" 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [INFO] Loading properties 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT! 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] The exception was: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind 2011-04-15 19:55:08 [WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port? if so: there are several problems: 1. edit server.properties, make the line that currently says server_ip = say server_ip= (in otherwords, SERVER_IP = MUST BE BLANK 2. it wants more RAM, but if you don't have more than 1gb in your system, then you really can't give it any more. It should still run though. if you still get the failed to bind after changing server.properties, ...reboot (it's simpler)
1:In the beginning it always says it needs more ram,even tought he ram thing says 40%,and I have 4gb ram and nothing else running,plus everything works fine. 2: but the previous time when I used a blank IP people couldn't connect... i'll try tough.. EDIT: making server ip blank doesnt work EDIT2:I had the ip in the txt,clicked a few time on the bukkit snapshot file (it was on open with java.exe) and it created a plugin folder :3 But the BAT still does the same no matter what I do EDIT: I know why it says it needs more ram... minecraft server.exe it sas I have 50% free,but on the jar only 5! What the hell?
get 64bit java, give it 2gb ram: Java Download (any version) (click the JRE link under the big java button) change your batch file to: (this assumes batch file is in same folder as craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)@ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" %ProgramFiles% \Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx2G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar PAUSE leave server_ip blank make sure your router and firewall are properly configured 1.set your router to forward traffic on port 25565 (or whatever) to your server's INTERNAL ip address (192... or 10... or whatever) (TCP AND UDP) configure your firewall as below Windows 7 Firewall Settings: (req. even if fw is off) create four rules in your firewall settings inbound, tcp, 25565, allow, all profiles inbound, udp, 25565, allow, all profiles outbound, tcp, 25565, allow, all profiles outbound, udp, 25565, allow, all profiles