Can't disable AutoRepair

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by benj0y, Jul 25, 2013.

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    Yo yo yo boys N' guuuurls!

    Alright, this is the scenario. I'm trying to make a Factions world, which all of you probably know, needs some configuring. One of the steps is to disable AutoRepair, but I can't get it working. First, the Superman rank that I'm trying to remove AutoRepair from, inherited from essentials_vip which contains some AutoRepair permissions in the globalgroups.yml file. I'm using my Factions world file in GroupManager to configure stuff, and it was here the Superman rank inherited from globalgroups,yml. Enough of that, let's keep on.

    Removed that inherit, AutoRepair still worked. Looked over my groups.yml file in my world based folder in GroupManager again, and saw some permission nodes from AutoRepair. Removed them and manloaded the server, still didn't work. Then I did - -autorepair.*. Manloaded the server in hoping it would work - it didn't. So how can it possibly have AutoRepair when it doesn't have the permissions for it?
    Note: The inherits are: Default (can't do anything, just look around) and Builder (basic, no AutoRepair or item recovery, nothing)


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  2. Offline


    What do you mean by AutoRepair? Is it a plugin? If it is, please post a link to it.
  3. Offline



    AutoRepair is, as the name suggests, a plugin that allows players with the permission to repair tools and armors.
  4. Offline


    Instead of removing all the permissions at once using - -autorepair.*, try removing -AutoRepair.access
  5. Offline



    That didn't work unfortunately, tools and armor still repaired. Got any other ideas?
  6. Offline



    Interesting, would you mind posting your entire groups.yml and globalgroups.yml?
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  8. Offline


    Try to remove all forms of the negated permissions from the Builder group and Superman group in your groups.yml. Also, remove all the permissions from the Superman group in your globalgroups.yml.
  9. Offline


    Hang on a sec. You want me to remove all my Superman permissions in my globalgroups.yml file? Why would I do that?
  10. Offline



    No, it probably doesn't matter, but in your Superman group in your globalgroups.yml, you gave the group access to AutoRepair.
  11. Offline


    Yeah, that's because I want them to access AutoRepair in worlds outside Factions. But if I give them AutoRepair access in the globalgroups.yml, will that affect all worlds even if I negate AutoRepair in another world? Is there some way to change this?
  12. Offline


    Well, what happens after you remove the negated permissions form Builder and Superman in the groups.yml?
  13. Offline


    Will try later, i'll be back with response in like hour and a half or so!
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