Plugin Help Cant attack mobs or players

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by xaolxheadshotz, Jan 9, 2017.

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    Im having trouble with my server because i cant attack mobs or players, when im opped i can but regular players cant, please help

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    Any messages in chat?
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    No message in chat, it just doesnt damage players or mobs
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    You don't think it's World Guard do you?
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    I dont believe so, I have a warzone and spawn but you cant pvp anywhere and i checked config and everything is already
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    Add this permission: essentials.protect.pvp
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    I did that but it still doesnt work
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    Try splitting your plugins into 2 groups,
    Try group A, if users can't hit mobs, then you know the issue is in group B vica versa
    Now split group B into two groups,
    Try group C, if users can't hit mobs, then you know the issue is in group D vica versa
    This goes on and on.
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    I did that for essentials and it still didnt work so ik its nothing to do with essentials
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    OTF Catastrophe

    Trying this with one plugin has little to no effect if that plugin isn't the issue. Binner_Done suggested splitting ALL your plugins into groups and only having each group enabled at a time. I would suggest downloading a plugin called Plugman, with this you can disable plugins one by one and see if the problem is fixed by disabling a certain plugin. After you figure it out, it's best to solve the issue then restart the server instead of enabling the plugins with plugman.

    Also, McMMo has a feature where party members cannot pvp, I've encountered this issue before and I was really confused so it's just something you should know aha.

    Have you tried checking the Multiverse worlds file and seeing if the world has pvp disabled along with mob damage? Or have you tried checking the region with /rg info to see if theres any flags that stop it from happening?
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    ... it was the aac anticheat..
  12. Offline

    OTF Catastrophe

    Check it's config and see if theres anything that can help you with fixing your issue. If not I would suggest finding a new anticheat plugin :) But if you already resolved your issue, please mark the thread as solved ^-^
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