Solved Can I create plugins based on animes?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Reynergodoy, Jul 2, 2015.

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    Can I create plugins based on animes?
    With that I mean, I will receive a copyright issue or something?
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    I'm pretty sure if you tried to sell the plugin, and the anime companies somehow found out about this, they could take action. But if you're not trying to sell it, I doubt you'll run into any issues.
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    There's mods about animes so I don't think you will have issue with this if you don't sell it.
  4. Offline


    yes i'm not trying to sell, i will just post it into bukkit plugins :)
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    Technically you can't use their name, assuming it's a trademark. Also, it is likely copyright infringement if you use significant story elements, character names, etc.

    That being said, nobody is ever going to bother coming after you for it, so write away.
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