BukkitDev Volunteer

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by Jackxxxx, May 19, 2012.

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  1. I would like to volunteer my time and effort into the Bukkit community and was wondering where I would go to apply for such a position.
    garrett2smart87 likes this.
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    Bukkit was accepting BukkitDev staff a while back but they got enough people and stopped their search. I wish they could hire some more as I, too, would like to help out.
    Jackxxxx likes this.
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    Now now, he didn't violate any known rules. He asked if and how he can assist the Bukkit Team. He did not demand for position.
    Jackxxxx likes this.
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    It's not like we go through the forums and find out who asked for staff and go QUICK GUYS ADD HIM TO THE LIST GOGOGOGOGO NO STAFF FOR HIM.

    In any case, I'm certainly not the one who makes those kinds of decisions, but I can tell you for a fact that if you are active in all aspects of the Bukkit community, you will get the attention of those who do. Being a nice, supportive, helpful, and attentive person will help you with what you want. However, sometimes volunteers are just not needed at a certain time, sometimes it's just better to be supportive of the community to make people happy, not to try and gain some kind of a position. Opportunities will present themselves if they are available, otherwise just stay helpful and happy :p
    Jackxxxx likes this.
  6. Unbelievably helpful, thanks! :)

    Couldnt agree more

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
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    well many months ago i had asked if i could help out in the forums and i got barked down my throat that i cant ask for a position and i was breaking one of the rules.
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    Well in my personal opinion whoever did so had a complete misunderstanding of the rules. I'm sorry you had to go through such madness.
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