I haven't been *active* on these forums for long. At least not long compared to a lot of people. Other people have been active on the forums for years. Since the start in 2011. I wasn't even playing Minecraft back then. No, I started posting often in November, just four months ago. It certainly feels like longer. This post is actually my 2000th. I know the in and outs to the forums, the rules, how to manage with people breaking them. This is a strong community with a very high amount of knowledge. Some people here are very devoted to the forums. They are nearly always online, and have so much help and knowledge to give. Just after I joined and became active here, I started doing cool things. I helped start Infernal Developers, for example. If I hadn't joined these forums, there is no way I could have done that. But since there are so many awesome people here, I was able to. I can get feedback on projects I do. See how I can make things better, and increase my knowledge. Not only is this forums a place to grow knowledge and get feedback, it's also a place to get ideas for projects. There are thousands of plugin requests, and some of them are really quite cool. You can make them, and see them implemented on servers all over the place. From all of the "evidence" above, you can tell how important this forums is. It has it's troubles. CraftBukkit was DMCA'd last year, and that really shook up the community. Look how we're doing now! Back on our feet, you could say. Some people say Bukkit is dying. I disagree. It dies when nobody posts anything, when nobody logs in anymore. As far as I can tell, it won't die with so many awesome, devoted people. Thanks for reading, nverdier #LongLiveBukkit
@nverdier On behalf of the Bukkit Staff, we thank you for all that reporting -_- On behalf of ID Staff, we are happy you joined and I look forward to our future at ID.