Bukkit for Minecraft 1.0.0 has been made! (Link)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by SmartieCaik, Nov 19, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    can i copy the config from all these plugins? because i have over 20plugins and i realy dont want to make all the config things again xD
  2. Offline


    I'm afraid of it have problem.
    When i logged in server, bukkit give the message like bottom
    "Internal exception: java.ioException: Not in GZIP format"
    I want to use 1.0.0 bukkit..
    Please help me
    What i do first?
  3. Offline


    when is the real bukkit 1.0 out?
  4. Offline


    I think this thread has reach the end of it's use. As mentioned many times before Craftbukkit will be out when it is out.
    Any builds not from http://ci.bukkit.org are not supported and not recommend.
  5. Offline


    I'm locking this thread because as has been stated, this is not a recommended release, it is not supported, and it should be actively thought of as malicious.

    Please be very careful if you see links promising to give you Bukkit for 1.0 without downloading it from bukkit.org.
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