Bukkit Dev Suggestion regarding the Localization Feature

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by blablubbabc, Jul 24, 2013.

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    currently after an update of my plugin when I import the new default language (enUS) I have the option to remove all phrases which are not contained inside that new language import from the translations. Which is great!

    However, my current problem is, that I sometimes change existing phrases, but keep their keys the same (global strings format: KEY = "Some text").

    So for example I have this phrase:

    MY_KEY = "This a a key"

    Then I do an update and change it to:

    MY_KEY = "This is a very important key"

    Now I import this, but the translations for this are now not longer valid, but still marked as so. So I suggest that there could/should be an option (just like the "remove other keys" option) to mark phrases of the translations which were changed (by comparing the old enUS with the new imported enUS phrases) as "Needs review".

    That way the translator can easily find the phrases which changed, take a look on them and change them if necessarry.
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