1.8 has been out for like a week now, and still no Bukkit update. I know how long it takes, and the work that they put into it, but its not that I'm complaining about. Its that the Bukkit people havn't even updated us on how its coming along! How do we even know they're working on it? All I'm saying is that they need to keep us more updated on the home page. Does anyone agree? And I'm new to server hosting/bukkit, so please politely correct me if I'm wrong about something. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
If you pay attention to jenkins, they are on build 1160. http://ci.bukkit.org/job/dev-CraftBukkit/1160/ But yes, if they had a quick meeting to review what is left and gave us an idea, that would help ease our soles.
I hope I don't come off as mean by saying this, but the CB dev team has a lot of "food on their plate" so to speak, and the more they take time updating everyone on their progress the less progress is actually made. I follow them on Twitter, though, and they have an update for us at least every day. I assume they are active in the IRC as well.
They have also been posting some updates to 'Craftbukkit' on twitter. Edit: ...or what Tahkeh said...
Of course you dont.... now back in line, hehe Self-empowerment via websearch - its a common feature nowadays! Youre welcome! =) Dang, I didnt know you pay them to work for you so they have to inform you! Wait, I will forward them your post adress! You will get a brief update of the daily progress from now on! Now your udated opening post:
i get all the updates i need from checking the dev builds, testing to see what i find, and reading what other have found with the same builds, and reporting if it isnt a repost of a bug, and reading the twitter feeds, so i think they are doing a damn fine job of keeping us informed. but from my experience dev builds 1149 and up seem to be pretty stable, i have a test server running on the side of my main server, the last build i tried was yesterday and it was 1152 and ran fine, with multiple plugins enabled, if you want know what plugins i'll post them. I will probably be testing 1168 sometime today as it is the latest build the last time i checked
Thanks to all of you who've been nice and told me where I can find all these updates, unlike this guy. I'm glad someone read my second post: And I'm new to server hosting/bukkit, so please politely correct me if I'm wrong about something. Also, I obviously do have a clue about the amount of work involved, which is shown by me saying " I know how long it takes, and the work that they put into it, but its not that I'm complaining about." EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Thy are working on it .. but we DO need a recommended build.. I can't play without my plugins and plugins don't get updated for dev builds
yeah but as most have said, my server host goes with the most recommended build only, so i cant use those -_-
Actually if you had bothered with dev builds and testing, you would know that most plugins do not break with the 1.8 compatible bukkit builds.