Solved Bukkit 1.4.7 R1.0 Won't Spawn Hostile Mobs

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by nmcotton1, Feb 9, 2013.

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    I run a survival server for me and some of my friends. A crucial part of the server relies on fighting hostile mobs (creepers, skeletons, zombies, etc) and they won't spawn. I've checked caves, dark places, far away places, everything and no hostile mobs will spawn. I can spawn mobs manually or with monster spawners, but they won't spawn on their own.
    My configs:
    My server properties file:

    My plugins: ChestShop, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, iChat, iConomy, Lottery, LWC, mcMMO, McMmoReward, MobArena, Modifyworld, MonsterHunt, PaidRanks, PermissionsEx, SetRankPEX, uSkyBlock, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

    Attached Files:

  2. Offline


    If you are running Multiverse, make sure you have monsters set to true in there too. To make sure you don't have them spawning somewhere else though, you can run "/wg report" and take a look at the report it creates in the WorldGuard plugin folder.
  3. Offline


    I ran the report, and under the entities for the World no hostile mobs show up. I also don't run Multiverse.
  4. Offline


    Also make sure you don't have the __global__ region a flag like mob-spawning set to deny.
  5. Offline


    Under WorldGuard in the main config? The only thing I found was block-creature-spawn: [] and that didn't have true/false. Whenever I set it to false it just goes back to the undefined state.
  6. Offline


    go to the world you want spawns in... then type /region info __global__

    (note... it's DOUBLE underscores at the start and end of that)

    EDIT : Also that MonsterHunt addon you have is kind of out of date. If the global flag isn't set to deny mob spawning I would try removing monsterhunt next.
  7. Offline


    Deleted MonsterHunt, no change. I typed "/region info __global__" in and nothing happened. It told me that the region doesn't exist.
  8. Offline


    Ok, did you check your bukkit.yml to make sure you didn't disable their limits there?
  9. Offline


    It worked! Thank you for all of your help!
  10. Offline


    Always a pleasure :)
    nmcotton1 likes this.
  11. Offline


    How did you fix it?!
  12. Offline


    Under the main server directory, the spawn monster limit was 0.
  13. Offline


    where do you see that? copy & Paste please
  14. Offline


    Here's the file I had to change. It's the bukkit.yml under the main directory.
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