Solved bPermissions and Essentials

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ghost0001, Jan 31, 2012.

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    Seems they don't play well with each other. I have it all set up like when I had Group Manager. However, now, I cannot build. I know this because minecraft tells me so. "you are not permitted to build" keeps appearing on my screen. With essentials disabled, it works fine. Funny thing, its only for my username. I promoted a test user to "owner" and they worked fine. Even logged them out and back in with no issues. So, any thoughts?

    Current versions:
    All are most recent downloads.

    On another note, what could I use to replace essentials? What are your opinions?
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    As as OP does it work fine? If so then that means your regular players need to have permissions set up.
    ghost0001 likes this.
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    chilldy no, i am op and it failed for me to build. all other players can build fine. So what happens when I am not OP? hmm...gonna check.

    EDIT: So yeah, i deop'ed myself and guess what, I can build. Seems an issues with a mixture of bPerms, Essentials, and Minecraft with OP's. I wonder if its the superperm ability of bPerms?
  4. Offline


    I only have experience with permissionbukkit, but I looked into bpermissions. Will this do anything if you have this permission? bPermissions.admin
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    chilldy i have that inherited from my admins. So no, that is not the problem, but thank you for your input. Seems you helped me fix it. So +1 for ya!
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