Border knock and message

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by chvtzz, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. Offline


    Minecraft version: paper 1.20.1

    Suggested name: BorderPlugin

    What I want:
    If the player is 50 meters away from the border, a bossbar with this API (, it doesn't have to, of course, but I use this plugin myself and, as I noticed, it also has a simple and very detailed API!) will be displayed In which we can specify what should be written, but it should be a placehodler with the name {DISTANCE-FROM-BORDER } or something like that, and an example message looks like this: "You are within {BORDER-FREE} squares of the border!"

    If the player is 2/3 meters away (of course we count meters as 1 block), he pushes him away (so that it doesn't cause any bugs) He throws him backwards and slightly up. It would be good if a blocking of throwing pearls, placing blocks and also added so that nothing could be done. Thank you very much in advance!!

    When I'd like it by: Im patient! but of course the sooner the better ;)

    If someone doesn't have time, they can only make a bossbar with the inscription how much distance is left to the border and repulsion, that's what I care about the most!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2024
  2. Offline


    Does the size of the border changes while the server is running, or does it stay the same size?

    If it doesn't, then here you go:

    Reload config command: /bpreload - Permission: borderplugin.reload

    Make sure to read the config
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2024
  3. Offline


    Hello, thank you for creating the plugin, but I have a few problems:
    - the repulsion is too strong despite the level change in the level, I would like it to bounce slightly up and back (for 5-10 steps)
    - Would it be possible to remove .0 from distance? so that it is an integer, e.g. 16, 17 etc
    - blocking pearls or placing blocks does not work, you can still place blocks, destroy them, and throw pearls. I would like it to be impossible to do any of these things from the moment the player has a counter (warningDistance)
    And if a player pushes away from the border, I would like a message with the title "You can't enter here!" to be sent.
  4. Offline


    pushDistance is not the push force, it's the distance from the border when the force is applied, 3 blocks from the border by default.
    Delete the old config and generate a new one.
  5. Offline


    Hello, placing blocks is blocked, but you can still cast pearls and eat choruses. Additionally, I would like the message 'You cannot enter here', as I mentioned, to be displayed in the title. So this could be an example:
    title "Hey!"
    subtitle "You cannot enter here." If you could also add a sound that is displayed when you enter the border and push it away, that would be nice! :)
  6. Offline


    How exactly do you want me to "display" a sound?
  7. Offline


    I meant to use a sound, e.g. AMBIENT_BASALT_DELTAS_ADDITIONS
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    I change pushSound: but its every time ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL, only warningSound: working And if you throw a pearl before the border into the border, you will be teleported to the border
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Works perfectly! but I have 1 question and another 2 ideas
    The question is, will your plugin work well with more worlds and more barriers?

    - block command when the counter is displayed
    - added ability to edit messages from any world

    world: "world"
    barText: ""
    barColor: ""
    barStyle: ""

    the rest of the config (e.g barFillMode, pushBackForce etc) will be editable for each border

    EDIT and you could add messages to all actions when they are blocked, such as placing a block, throwing a pearl, eating chorus
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2024
  12. Offline


    If by "more barriers" you mean custom barrier, like per player barriers, then there's no way for me to add a config section for them since there's no real way to identify them using spigot's api
  13. Offline


    I wrote it wrong, I meant borders
  14. Offline


    So no custom borders? Just the world ones, right?
  15. Offline


    Yes, and I noticed a strange thing. If I am changing worlds, for a split second a message appears that I have reached the end of the map in both the bossbar and title

    edit; as I noticed its only by changing world beetwen end and world
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Perfect! Last request, can you add a title message to each blocked action (placing blocks, throwing pearls, commands, destroying blocks, eating chorus)
  18. Offline


    Nope, enjoy your plugin

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