Plugin category: Informational Suggested name: BookRules (something like that but it could be used for more things than just rules) What I want: I'd like to see a command giving a readable book. For example "/rules" gives you a book signed by "Server Admin" with all the rules of the server in it. This way we can add more text than in the normal chat. with a configuration file so you can edit signed by, title and content. Ideas for commands: /<nameofbook> Ideas for permissions: use.<nameofbook>, admin.bookrules (to edit books ingame) When I'd like it by: As soon as possible (no rush)
Yes, I already planned on making something like this. I will have to check if it is possible when I can get to a computer. If it is, I plan on making it.
Thank you that would be awesome i will try my best to help you with this but i am still a noob with java EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.