Web Blue Stats - The modular stats interface

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by robinp7720, Jan 7, 2015.


What should I add/change next?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2015.
  1. Charts

    0 vote(s)
  2. Change the layout

    0 vote(s)
  3. Change the colors

  4. Change the colors and layout

    0 vote(s)
  5. Online/Offline indicators

    0 vote(s)
  6. Player faces

  7. Admin Page

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Offline


    Bluestats 2 is a webend for the plugin "stats" by lolmewn.

    BlueStats 3 is a little more complicated and still in development. BlueStats 3 has a simple plugins api to describe MySQL databases. This makes to easy for bluestats to support more bukkit plugins.
  2. Offline


    I still don't understand how it grabs the information
  3. Offline


    Plugin -> MySQL database -> BlueStats
  4. Offline


    What plugins would we want to use for said case?

    Also I get this error, any idea how to resolve it?
  5. Offline


    The data BlueStats is getting for the database is invalid. You have to use lolmewnStats 2 for BlueStats 2.
  6. Offline


    About the mysqlnd, I already have it and how I can disable the query or enable the sockets?
  7. Offline


    Go to the admin page and disable the query plugin. Change the plugins option in the BlueStats tab to
  8. Offline


    I can't go on the admin page, because the mysql error.... I see that all things were installed succesfully, but when I click on admin panel, I see errors related to MYSQL :(
  9. Offline


    If you don't show me the errors, I cant help you.
  10. Offline


    I install the web-end succesfully, but When I change the admin panel login in index.php inside /admin folder, Theyy doesn't work, they were set as their default value admin/admin... Any way to fix this please, it is a ver big bug/problem.

    When I enter: admin/admin, I see:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in/home/blocs234/public_html/stats/admin/parts/plugins.phpon line 17

    I edit the Bluestats config in phpmyadmin, but what I am supposed to do now... :( Thanks
  11. Offline


    That means you do not have mysqlnd installed
  12. Offline


    They confirmed that I have it and they show me...

    Hi, I have a problem now when I try to access this link, I see few errors too...

    I have: Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in/home/blocs234/public_html/stats/admin/parts/plugins.phpon line 17
    again in the admin panel...

    When I try to go to this link: http://blocs-craft.com/stats/?page=home
    I have more errors....

    It is really bad, because I can't make this work on my 2 MYSQL servers... and both of them have mysqlnd installed...

    How I can disable query inside the FTP ?, because I can't open the admin panel......

    I try to use HEIDISQL (software to test and user MYSQL) and the connection works great...
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
  13. Offline


    That indicator is wrong right now. I'm working on a new installer to fix it. MySQLnd is required for this to work.
    This error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in/home/blocs234/public_html/stats/admin/parts/plugins.php only occures if mysqlnd is not installed because get_result is a method mysqlnd adds.

    To fix your other error, just enable writing to external sockets or just disable the query plugin from the BlueStats admin once you have the above done.
  14. Offline


    Why you dont add an option to edit this in the config directly?

    I test with 2 differents hosts, and both of them told me that it is enabled...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2015
  15. Offline


    Well, they dont. They probably have mysqli enabled but not "mysqlnd".
  16. Offline


    I contact them and wait after them, I give you feedback, but just to know, why you choose mysqlnd ?
  17. Offline


    It allows you to get more then one value at a time. Without it, you wont be able to get the lists.
  18. Offline


    They just confirmed that it was enabled and this is not a problem with my mysql hosting service... So what I can do...
  19. Offline


    Their lying. mysqli_stmt::get_result() is a method that mysqlnd adds. If your having that error, then mysqlnd is not installed
  20. Offline


    They confirmed that it was installed, check here: http://hp128.hostpapa.com/phpinfo.php

    So what I am supposed to do... Sorry if I post a lot of message, but I think it is an error inside the web-end script.... or something like this
  21. Offline


    I'm not sure. Ask your host why its not working. They should be able to know more then I do. And its not a problem with BlueStats.
  22. Offline


    Hi, my host told me this:
    Do you have an idea about this? Thanks ;)
  23. Offline


    The port and ip is specified in the BlueStats config table
  24. Offline


    Port and IP of what? My minecraft server? I f yes, they enabled it, but the web-end doesn't work, same error as before...
  25. Offline


    I'm not going to help you anymore if you don't have the dependencies for this webapp installed.
  26. Offline


    I know that, but they told me that it was installed and was succesfully enabled......
  27. Offline


    BlueStats 3 has no official release yet. To download Blue Stats 3, download the master branch. You downloaded BlueStats 2.
  28. Offline


    Any fix for my mysqlnd problem?

    I have mysqlnd enabled on the webserver.... Why you don't trust me?
  29. Offline


    Because the errors you're showing me tell me otherwise
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