Filled Blocks Broken Lore

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by nite, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: BlocksBroken

    What I want: I would Like a plugin that sets the blocks broken with a pickaxe as a Lore, I have tried a few plugins that do this but they only put the blocks broken from the durability of the pick they dont account for unbreaking, So I just want Every block broken to be added to the Lore Like "Blocks Broken: <amount>" with the Blocks Broken: in Gold, and the <amount> in Yellow

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: None needed

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible
  2. Offline


    Ok, done this for you quickly. You can customize the me message in the config as well as if the lore shows up on tools/items/blocks), although be aware that items/blocks will cause them to no longer be able to stack with other items/blocks with different break values.
  3. Offline


    @Nosliw Thank you! Is there anyway I can get a download link while it is awaiting approval?​
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Nosliw Thanks, 1 problem I mined 32 Stone with unbreaking 3 and the pick only says "blocks broken: 12"
  6. Offline


    nite Oops, I didn't consider that possibility.. I've fixed that now and re-uploaded. Should work fine, although I will fix any bugs or add any new features you need as soon as I can :)
  7. Offline


    Nosliw Would you be able to add a part in the config were you can pick to have the "Blocks Broken: 8" in the lore or name of the tool?
  8. Offline


    Nosliw Man/Woman, that's awesome! Thanks for coming up with such a great idea, nite :D

    [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond]
  9. Offline


    Funnycube Done.

    Added the following to the latest config:
    • display.lore (true) - Should the counter display in the lore (otherwise item name)?
    • display.override (false) - Should the counter override existing item names?
  10. Offline



    I'm using the newest version but I can't seem to get it working.
    Edit: I got it working but its spaming "[TEST 0] true" and works but its overriding the title even on false.

      tools: true
      blocks: false
      items: false
      message: '[&7%COUNT% &7blocks]'
      lore: false
      override: false
  11. Offline


    Funnycube Oops, my bad, I uploaded the wrong version. Hmmm.. override will cause allow it to rename existing item names, for example if you have already named your shovel 'Mega Shovel', if its false, it will put the description in the lore, if its true, it will remove the existing name. Even on the test version, override should still be working.

    Uploaded the fix.
  12. Offline


    Is there anyway to make so it adds the counter onto the existing name?
  13. Offline


    Can you maybe make a Block whitelist so i can add blocks to work on when breaks
  14. Offline


    richboynl I'm not completely sure what you mean, is it either of these?

    Option 1) When you break a block, it will only add to the block counter if the block broken is on the whitelist?
    Option 2) When you break a block, it will only add to the block counter if the block you are using is on the whitelist?
  15. Offline


    Nosliw I bet its Option 1.
  16. Offline


    Nosliw Any luck with a way to add the Counter onto the existing name?
  17. Offline


    But how do you put blocks on the whitelist?

    Because if a break a diamond block it isnt counting

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  18. @Nosliw Just wondering if you could add a feature for digging, killing, chopping?

    Bug report: I'm not sure why but this plugin does not work when I have a plugin with fortune blocks.

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