Block Phaser

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by NikonJR, Dec 29, 2013.


Do you think this would be helpful?

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    Plugin category: Admin Tool

    Suggested name: BlockPhaser

    What I want: The ability for an admin to uses a simple command, and phase through the block he is looking at, in the direction he is looking. He will teleport on the other side of the wall he is facing. If the wall is too thick, it will tell the person the wall is too thick (this can be configurable).

    This would be especially useful to a vanished admin trying to sneak around a player who keeps going through doors. As you know the doors still make noises and animation if you are vanished and try and use the door.

    Ideas for commands: /phase - Phases you through the wall you are looking at

    Ideas for permissions: By default, the permissions should be op only. The command should be left to the owner to allow other ranks to use.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible. I can wait though.
  2. Offline


    Worldedit already has this functionality. Do //thru and //jump
  3. NikonJR - If you say that the commands arn't how you want them, you can just use a command alias plugin
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