Bizzare SMP plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by dsadsadasdads, Aug 29, 2024.

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    So i think some of you guys may already know about this SMP but i think it would be a really cool plugin to make and also it may become a really popular public plugin sooo lemme give you a rundown on this plugin :
    1. Each armor trim gives certain abilities like lapis trim upgrades most important enchant on a tool by 2 levels for 30 seconds. or redstone which sends the opposing person over 30 blocks in the air. If you want more information about this here is a link to a video with more explanation and also more information about the trims. also a texture pack for this would be acaully insane but if anyone trys this out i wish you the best of luck ALSO
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2024
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