I was wondering if there is a plugin for 1.2 that works EXACTLY like big brother and if there is please tell me. I run a quite popular server and now that everybody is playing on 1.2, i cant run my server at all until a big brother type plugin is released.
Yes iv seen hawkeye, but its not updated for minecraft 1.2. Iv tried running their latest version and it will not work. well when you get a chance the i.p is It is currently down atm. Also if you would like to visit my site that would be cool too. Www.KhalifaCraft.webs.com EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Check out our new plugin, CoreProtect: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/se...ficient-block-logging-rollbacks-1-1-r8.64297/
Logblock. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/in...ogging-tree-grow-logging-1-0-1-r1.4543/ ^ Logs chests. ^-^. Is better.
actually Yes Logblock Dev build is working on 1.2.3 http://diddiz.insane-architects.net:8080/job/LogBlock/ it's inplace and Working on Furrycraft and it's a 1.2.3 Server :3
Mm never knew about the dev builds. . . But makes sense. Being arrogant But LB Will die soon. Since guardians on its way and its been how long now in dev?