
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MoejoeAw44, Feb 13, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Not Sure

    Suggested name: BetterEnder

    What I want: Basically I'm looking for a plugin that allows people with certain permissions only certain SLOTS, in an enderchest. I've found plugins that allow rows, but thats too overpowered for what I'm using it for.

    Here's what I'm looking for
    (Those 3 slots being the betterender.slots.3, the 3 slots where they can store their loot)

    The 3 slots are the 3 slots they can have. I'm just looking for 1 row, with immovable items in each slot, other than the amount set (betterender.slots.3 would allow 3 slots for items).

    Ideas for commands: /ender <username> (Opens others enderchests), /ender reload, /ender (opens your enderchest)

    Ideas for permissions: betterender.slots.<#>, betterender.reload,

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
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