Better Hiding Plugin Request

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Ron Farkash, Aug 22, 2014.

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    Ron Farkash

    Plugin Category: RPG, Realistic themed.

    Suggested Name: Better Hiding (You can suggest a better name, I'm not good with that :))

    What I want: I want the plugin to let players that right click leaves/haybale (With the permission)
    to "hide" inside them (makes them invisible while tping inside the blocks), As in sneaky kind of plugin.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed.

    Ideas for permissions: betterhiding.allowhiding , If a player got this permission, He will be able to "hide" in leaves or haybale.

    Let me just say some things, My bukkit version is 1.7.9, I've seen a plugin called "Assassination" and it blew my console with errors. I hope you understand what I want. If there are any questions i'll be happy to answer them in comments.

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