Basic *Global* Spawn Command

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Timbucktu, May 8, 2013.

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    I've gone through pages and pages of spawn plugins on BukkitDev and they all either revert to the default world's spawn regardless of the world spawn is set in, are not global, are overly complicated, or don't work whatsoever. I'm just looking for a very basic and small *global* /spawn and /setspawn command that sends players exactly where I set it regardless of the world when a player types /spawn. None of that overly complicated "Per World" spawn crap, Multiverse does that just fine.

    No, I will not use Essentials.

    /setspawn would set the server's spawn in that exact location.
    /spawn would take a player to that location regardless of the world as long as they have the permission.

    If someone could make this, that would be fantastic! Or if someone could point me towards one that works well, that'd be just as fantastic!
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    The thing is he doesn't want something too complicated. He only wants the /spawn and /setspawn.
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    I'll make this for you :) It doesn't look like you like a lot of extra things, but I could put in some cool things for when players go to spawn (like fireworks or something), anyway I'll get started now :)
    Timbucktu likes this.
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    That'll be awesome! Thank you! :)
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    Timbucktu Sorry, a family emergency came up. But I'm free now :) I'll get started sorry for the wait
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    Awesome! Thank you so much!


    Works really well, but there's one problem. The spawn command is /spawn:spawn rather than just /spawn.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    Timbucktu Oops, I'll fix it give me a second

    Timbucktu Done, I think you had a conflicting plugin because I couldn't find any command problems, but I did fix some other problems with it :)

    Download it here

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    Big problem! When I set spawn in any world and use /spawn in another world, it teleports to the same coordinates in the world that you're currently in rather than going to the world it was set in.

    In the Adventure world, set /setspawn to coordinates x 0 y 0 z 0.
    In the Survival world, using /spawn takes me to x 0 y 0 z 0 in the Survival world.
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