Hello, im requesting a small bank mod. After writing a command (as admin) like /bank i can click on a chest and it makes it a bank chest. everony who uses it can put his items there and can not see some1 else items. So everyone can fill it completely by himself
I was thinking about making this the other day. But I have too many projects that are not getting finished fast enough as it is.
Nope, my target it to provide only one chest in the spawn-city which acts like a bank. no need to create a chest for everyone, but making it secure so nobody could steal some1 else bank stuff
maybe you want to use Virtual Chest, it does what you've requested, but it is accesable from everywhere.
No. He means like a blank chest for every1 initially. Like LOL enters and puts some cobblestone then LAWL checks the chest and he puts a plank. It is different for every name.
exactly. i want it only in the city via chest, not useable from everywhere, so people have to return to the city
Something like that would need to save the data to a datebase or flatfile. Then just load the appropriate players file into the chest on access.
Good news, now the virtual chest plug-in has a sign feature, so you could use it as bank. You can open your chest when you right-click a '[chest keeper]' sign. Only people with permissions can place those signs.
yeah, thats a sollution too , but actualy not what i intend. Still keeping up the request for a usual working chest, but with personaly storage for everyone
I came here while searching to see if there was a request for this, so I could say "Me too!" The "Virtual Chest" solution is pretty nice, I guess, but I want a more in-world physical feel to it. The more I think about it, the more I want feature control over this kind of a plugin, so I've decided to make one. I call it wkBank. My Java is weak, but being a professional software developer all I really need to learn a new language is a Real Project to teach it to me, and a pile of time. As such, I have started development of wkBank without too high hopes about swift completion. It will be a chest-and-sign based plugin with optional Permissions support. Someone with "wkbank.create" permission (or an op when Permissions does not exist) says /wkbank create someName If you created a bank under the wrong name, and have the "wkbank.delete" permission (or you're an op when Permissions does not exist), you can say /wkbank delete someName Deleting a bank does NOT clear out the items people have in that bank. You'll have to do that manually by deleting a file. Opening a chest linked to a deleted bank will just be a regular chest, and the sign will be changed on the first access after the bank was deleted, changing the [Bank] text to [Deleted Bank]. Someone with "wkbank.link" permission (or an op when Permissions does not exist) places a sign over a chest and enters [Bank] on the first line, and a the bank name (someName, for example) on the next line. If you do not have this permission to link a bank, it will override the [Bank] text on the sign to read "[Fake Bank] If the bank you try to link to does not exist (or the name line is blank), it will replace it with the name of the "default bank" specified in configuration, and change the sign to reflect this. Someone with "wkbank.access" permission (or anyone when Permissions does not exist) opens the chest and puts stuff in. The bank chest will be different for everyone. Multiple chests can link to the same bank, just use the same name in the sign's second line. Before anyone becomes to happy about this, please remember that this plugin does NOT exist yet, and probably won't exist for a good while. See the "a pile of time" remark above... I'll absolutely make it Open Source, and I'll see about putting it on GitHub it so that anyone can contribute easily.
I've gotten started a little bit, at least. https://github.com/DemmyDemon/Bank Of course, there's the Wiki on github to document stuff: https://github.com/DemmyDemon/Bank/wiki Naturally, there is no download yet, as it's still absolutely useless. Once it is useful I'll post it in the WIP and Development Status section. Edit: Bad news! I have it on good authority that there are no real ways to detect inventory changes in bukkit yet. The plugin is pretty much ready to rock, except it does not know when you close the box (and as such, does not know what's in there when you do), so changes are not saved. The rest of it pretty much works, but as it stands now it's just a very long-winded re-implementation of DisposalChest. I shall now proceed to hold my breath until the needed event hooks are available ^__^
Yeah, I want it too, but there is no Bukkit hooks/events on chests and inventory yet. I'm considering making something around CraftBukkit, but right now I'm looking into assisting the Bukkit team in a more permanent solution in stead.