I wanna have a plugin that do so when one server ban a player it will be a warning to other server when that player join the server This plugin will need a web server with a database In the beginning it will not need the strongest server computer but when many start to use it will need a strong computer and maybe fast internet. On the website should you read what the player have done why it's banned. If this plugin get fixed we server holder will have easy to accept people to the server. If you not have a whitelist you will get upp a warning about that player and say this player have been banned from other server and then it will block the player permission to destroy and build until you have accept him to the server. The biggest things that need is: A server that all minecraft server can connect to get information (I can give a server with 2gb ram and a database with 1terabyte of space 100mbit line but my internet line is bad can go down sometimes but it up after 1-2 hours later it's happen max 1 times/month .) A website dev A plugin dev Sponsors (if this get big) Sponsors we maybe need is Intel or amd for a server computer. A ISP like telia. Telia have the fastest internet and the most stable internet in sweden. If this get big we maybe can go in to more server mods and maybe in to minecraft original server (Yea I know this is a dream for me. But something I can that is to get sponsors. But I need just people that can help me and i can fix with servers and that things and then I can think about why the sponsors should sponsor us)
So you basically want to remake MCBans? and the sponsors thing is a massive stretch (just doing this may be a stretch for you), not to rain on your parade but I highly doubt Intel or AMD cares about Minecraft servers. But I encourage you to try and pull this off, good luck but lower your sights cause you will not accomplish this right off the bat.