Badassified Enderdragon

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by IdealIdeas, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Offline


    What it does: Makes enderdragon a more fearsome beast to kill.

    Why I want this: Players on my server tend to kill the enderdragon far to easily and want a better challenge.

    How it works:
    - Enderdragon has health Doubled. (Tripled if 5 or more players are in the end)

    - When enderdragon is at half health or less, enderdragon will fire 10-15 fireballs in a shotgun fashion when facing a player every few seconds.

    - When enderdragon is at half health or less, enderdragon now moves 50% faster.

    - When enderdragon is at 25% health or less, the wings will explode every 5 - 10 seconds like tnt. The tnt will only hurt the player, not the enderdragon or the land. An additional bonus of the exploding wings is arrows could be knocked away from the dragon.

    - If the player is flying when attacking the dragon, instead of harming the dragon, the dragon will gain health equal to 2x the damage.

    - At 10% health or less the dragon will take 25% less damage from attacks.

    - Endercrystals when destroyed will be respawned after 10 minutes.

    - When the enderdragon is destoryed it will drop 2x more exp and 10 random items. The random items could be ANYTHING (except for the spawn eggs, command blocks, and other meant for Op items)

    - If the enderdragon was destroyed the plugin will respawn a new enderdragon when there are no players in the end as well as remove the old exit portal.

    - If the enderdragon dies, the server will announce the enderdragons death and will publicly congratulate the victors to the whole server. Probably have it say
    "These people are the saviors to the world! (name), (name), (name), ect..." and basically just have it name off all the players names who are in the end at the time of the enderdragons death.

    --Additional Features (Added 03/29/13)--

    - Generation of the "End" world will generate multiple islands that go on forever.
    - Islands would be generated a good 150-250 blocks away from one another.
    - Each Island Will contain its OWN enderdragon. (If done, then the respawning of the enderdragon would no longer be needed.)
    - If the enderdragon is slayed on that island, all the Endercrystals will be removed from that island as well.
  2. Offline


    i think you over did this ???
  3. Offline


    Dont be ridiculous, I want it to take 4-5 people a good chunk of time to kill the guy.
    They want a challenge.

    If some of its not possible, I understand.
  4. Offline


    This looks amazing. I'll look over it, see if its all possible for sure (I think it all is). Amazing idea btw.
  5. Offline


    I am currently developing a similar plugin for the server. In case you want to join the Alphatest status, message me. Adding in the Enderdragon and using these abilities wouldn't be too hard, yet a bit of writing work.
  6. Offline


    Alpha test?

    Thanks, I also added just a tiny smidgen more just to make it more epic. Hope its still all possible, would love to see this made.
    Tired of how 2 people with strong enchanted diamond armor and weapons kill it so fast.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  7. Offline


    I am currently developing it. Adding your dragon to it wouldn't be too much work, yet I want a YES or NO. In case you want to use it, I would have to implement the config.yml already...
  8. Offline


    Great idea, especially with the respawning.

    Just like to throw out an essential piece of advice, to add config options for the values of health, speed boost, what health to give speed boost (in %), basically everything you said with a config option to make the #1 enderdragon plugin.
  9. Offline


    I would of done that, but people always stray away from my ideas then. They state my ideas are cool, but hard to program when a majority of it could be variable.

    I guess, but what else is being added to your plugin?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  10. Offline


    Added some more ideas. Optional of course, but would probably add to the gameplay even more.
  11. Offline


    It currently powers normal mobs, adding them bonus hitpoints, equipment, buffs and special abilities. I can turn that off or make it optional, yet the config reading stuff is what makes development so cheesy at those plugins.

    Since you added some more stuff, it would make sense to make this an own plugin.
    I'm new to plugin development so here's what I can surely do:
  12. Offline


    [quote uid=90799465 name="DeMaggo" post=1610349]It currently powers normal mobs, adding them bonus hitpoints, equipment, buffs and special abilities. I can turn that off or make it optional, yet the config reading stuff is what makes development so cheesy at those plugins.

    Since you added some more stuff, it would make sense to make this an own plugin.
    I'm new to plugin development so here's what I can surely do:

    Well if you cant do the map generation parts then all of the additional features I recently added would best be revoked. As I would still need the enderdragon to respawn, makes the end kinda useless if there is nothing of value in it.

    The Editable list of items is what I actually would want, I just had it preset as people seem to dislike making config files. In fact thats why most of it is preset.

    If you made this could you also do these changes then?:
    - In config have a spot to set movement speeds of enderdragon when enderdragon is equal to or less than the specified percentage of health.
    - In config have a spot to set when special abilities activate and how effective they are. (Fireballs and explosive wings.)

    Here is a link to a mocked up config file so you can get an idea. It should be pretty simple to follow. The Presets in the mock file are more for example and doesnt fully reflect how I want everything.
    Here is link to Mock Config File: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Would this be possible?

    Oh, and if you can block the spawning of the end portal then maybe make it allow the first portal to be made, then block the creation of additional portals.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2016
  13. Offline


    This passage would have to be renamed, but the other parts are fine. I'll look up what I need from my current project, this speeds up a lot.
  14. Offline


    [quote uid=90799465 name="DeMaggo" post=1610788]This passage would have to be renamed, but the other parts are fine. I'll look up what I need from my current project, this speeds up a lot.[/quote]

    Alright here is a modified version of the mock config.
    I also added a bit more of examples to show that everything can change based on minimum health the enderdragon has.
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2016
  15. Offline


    I would probably change this as following:
  16. Offline


    Alright, looks fine to me.
    So would something like Firebreathe 0 mean its disabled?

    It looks good so far.
    So basically its like this?
    Health: 100
    Firebreathe 1
    Explosive Wings 0
    Damage Resist: 0
    Speed: -10

    Seems simple enough. Oh, might also want to add a variable to Endercrystal Respawn rate as well.
  17. Offline


    Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking about.

    Some other things I came across: In case players fly, it's hard to properly detect that, since they could also be jumping and so on. I would like to propose an idea for that: The dragon's tail would knock players that attack from behind off with greater power.

    Another thing: The exploding wings may look kind of strange. I could add an ability to randomly block arrows instead.
  18. Offline


    My idea about flight is maybe the plugin can detect how long the player is in the air. If the player is in the air for about 5 seconds, it would consider the player is flying till the player touches the ground. The best part (which im sure you know) is they have a variable to detect if they are on the ground or not.

    The tnt was more about making the dragon have a bigger damage radius. The arrow knockback was more of an effect of tnt with entities.

    If the Explosive wings look weird, here are some alternatives:
    - Arrow Deflect: Theres a chance the dragon takes no damage from an arrow, and instead the arrow flies back in the direction it came from.

    - Explosive Death: If the player dies because of the enderdragon, the player will violently explode. (No land damage)

    - Lightning Rod: Lightning will periodically strike within a small radius of the dragon. Lightning does no damage to dragon. User specifies between how many and how many bolts land per second.
  19. Offline


    is anyone still working on this?
  20. There is something in my signature. Some features described in this post could be interesting for future update (some others not at all).
  21. Offline


    I am currently working on it. As I have other vital projects for my server, too, this is not going very fast. I apologize for that.
  22. Offline


    I could split resistance into resistance to arrows and resistance to normal attacks. Interested?
  23. Offline


    Sure that works.
  24. Offline


    In case of arrow blocking: The arrows would be thrown back, but not harm the dragon, so he will not be interrupted in his flight.
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    I'm in the testing state now.

    €: This might take a while. Craftbukkit is giving me a hard time making Fireballs fly where I commanded them to. All ways i tried until now dont work.

    €2: Heres how it is: The fireballs fly the correct direction, BUT:
    a) They are displayed awfully. They warp around, disappear and seem to fly somewhere else right before hitting besides you, where they had to go.
    b) Their direction is pretty randomly. Even without setting a spread factor, they pretty much fly with a random spread.
    c) They are slower than the dragon and cannot be sped up. The dragon shoots, you see the fireballs fly their strange ways, the dragon passes you and then the fireballs hit you after 2 seconds.

    How shall i proceed?
  27. Offline


    *bump* Please watch the €dit.
  28. Your problem is the collision with the EnderDragon. Fireballs are entities, EnderDragons too. And EnderDragon throw other entities very far on collisions.
    You should try something different. I don't think I'll add something like that in my plugin, entities are very buggy ! Currently trying to allow Crystal-respawn-only as a regeneration method :p
  29. Offline


    I actually thought of that. The question is: If the dragon flies so much faster than the fireballs, what point is there to shoot them from below his face? He is constantly running into them. I will try some crazy offsets below him... By the way, the documentation says that fireballs do not use velocity, so how does the dragon knock them off?
    The endercrystals are no problem at all. I'm even saving them in the config to assure they dont disappear in case the server crashes.
  30. Offline


    How about having the dragon spawn a ghast somewhere around the area? Of course there would need to be some way to limit how high up the ghasts go so they dont fly away to the heavens. Then there could be a spawn rate, spawn max, and spawn radius variables. The spawn max would simply stop the spawning once the limit was reached.

    Seems like a good alternative until bukkit is more capable.

    Also another special skill idea:
    Dependent on the health of the dragon, the more the dragon is attacked, the higher the chance a random enderman will be enraged towards the player.

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