I request a autoseed.. I'm requesting like this.. whenever someone Died, your health will return to 1 or half heart instead of full like Ragnarok style or any RPG style requesting Disable certain command in main world.. meaning I want to disable a command in a specific world..
Use permissions to disable commands in certain worlds, for the only 1 heart thing that should be easy to do, so you want EVERYONE that respawns just have 1 heart?
for the disable commands, yeah I know the permissions thingy but, sometimes other plugin doesn't have permission so my player can access them freely, for the one heart thing.. yeah.. everyone or it can be configure..
Spawning with less health might encourage people to heal up instead of dying to recover health. (Probably better for RP servers, or servers where you won't die again shortly after spawning.)
I can make it but how do you want? There's 2 version: The player revives with a fix(ex.:5) hearth. or The player revives with a dynamic health,which is less then he had before (more then 0) ?
I made it hours ago,its loading the config and stuff be the most important part (set the health of the player at respawn) didnt works for some reason If i have some time again then i try to fix it.
Not sure if this was answered yet, but you can use per-world permission settings with any permission plug-in. So just remove the node giving users the command in the world you don't want them using.
Thats not 'necessarily' true. There's still the isOp(), and of course, config files work as well. Of course, permissions is clearly the easiest-to-use 'controlling' mechanism
as i stated to pencil yeah I know the permissions thingy but, sometimes other plugin doesn't have permission so my player can access them freely
Yep but isOP() can't really be controlled And configuring in a config file is.... meh too much work I looked at how PlgnoCmd handles it, and basically if ANY other plugin uses highest priority it wont cancel that command @morizuki I can't give this a shot atm because I'm busy programming a plugin for my server but it will also have this idea in it (because I think it's really good) and when I get done with it I will extract this part and make it it's own plugin.
SimpleRegen Includes a config.yml for changing default values. Requires Permissions (tested against 3.1.5, nothing else). If you get any errors, let me know. I tried my best to document the config.yml, but if it's too confusing I can try to explain more in depth here if you'd like! edit: included source files in jar edit #2: included command override feature
it's working perfectly fine.. just found one bug.. i tried setting the regen rate to 3000 but it still regen faster.. even if i tried 30secs.. it's the same speed of regen..
Can you show me your config.yml and permissions groups.yml? If you're in a group that uses "- '*'" for a permission, you'll get both the users regen rates (meaning if one is 30 seconds and the other is 3000, you'll regen at both rates). Otherwise, it may have been an oversight :x edit: I also hardcoded it to reset the counter at 600 seconds (10 minutes), so 3000 (50 minutes) is effectively out of range. But that is beside the point. If you want massive values like that (I can't imagine why) I can change it. SimpleRegen thread
hmm.. i'm using a normal user.. and the regeneration of health is still fast even if it's 30 here is my config Code: # To add new "groups," just add them to permissions as 'simpleregen.groupname' # Defaults: # - 'simpleregen.user' # - 'simpleregen.admin' plugin: # Set peaceful to true if you: # - 1) want custom regeneration speeds instead of "immortality" in default behavior for peaceful mode # - 2) want to enable peaceful mode in all worlds peaceful: true # Set regen to true to enable the health regeneration feature, or false to disable it entirely. regen: true # Set disabler to true to enable the command override feature, or false to disable it entirely. disabler: true settings: user: # health_respawn: Player will respawn with the health indicated (2 health = 1 heart) health_respawn: 1 # regen_amount: Player will regenerate the specified amount at the specified rate regen_amount: 1 # regen_rate: Player will regenerate health at the rate specified in seconds regen_rate: 30 # By default, the "user" group regenerate 1 health every 30 seconds, and respawn with 1 health # Lowering the rate will increase server strain on large servers. disabled_commands: - kill admin: health_respawn: 20 regen_amount: 1 regen_rate: 30 # By default, the "admin" group will regenerate 1 health every 30 seconds, and respawn at full health
I tried regen_rate values of 10, 30, and 60 for "user" with a permission node of "simpleregen.user" for my group, and it works fine. Can I see your permissions files? groups.yml and users.yml. edit: If you wouldn't mind moving this conversation to the official thread, I'd appreciate it. SimpleRegen Thread