Hello there ! This days, with herostronghold and simpleclans installed, my falsebook plugin bug a lot :/ So i wandering if there was another plugin like it, who can detect player/mobs/items, make a easy clock device, and other cool stuff that falsebook provide... I looked everywhere, i found craftbook to replace the door and bridge system, but have not found any détector, lightning, arrow barrage, easy pulser, item vanisher, and some other stuff like it Can someone help me find out a substitute plugin for falsebook please ? Or any infos about a update of falsebook, even if i've loose faith about it xD Thanks to community ! Ael
First of all, CraftBook is NOT equivalent of FalseBook. CraftBook is shit. However, FalseBook shouldn't break. Works all fine for me with latest recomended bukkitrelease.
ähmm craftbook was the original... falsebook is a fork of it.. so some more information why craftbook is shit and how far falsebook works would be nice... as I doubt that you can use any of the new blocks with it if it wasn't updated.
Finaly got convicted to use craftbook.. This plugin is awesome, dont even have to change half of IC, he have a lot of same IC A lot of new IC that falsebook dont use, very cool ^^ Exept for one thing, falsebook use less ressources of the machine than craftbook.. But well i have a dedicated 16go, so what the hell xD The Area toggle for craftbook is better too ! Have made a animation of 2min with it, very nice ! Now im convicted, craftbook is the one thanks for all guys