Filled AnimationRP Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Y1ght, Oct 6, 2020.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Minecraft version: 1.13.2

    Suggested name: AnimationRP

    What I want:
    I want a Animation plugin, now before you say (YOU CAN"T DO THIS) I want two simple animations.

    /RH = RaiseHand like holding up a trident.
    When the command /RH is executed, I want the player to hold a trident, it'll be renamed to nothing so it'll be blank. (if this can't be done renamed to a blank item tell me in the comments.) The trident will be invisible ( I'll be doing this in a texture-pack. ) and once they let go of 'holding' the trident or 'raising' their arms it'll get taken out of their inventory. The item will be taken out if they stop holding right click no matter what. I want it to be only executable in their right arm and not left. And if you have a item slot taking up the slot that isn't empty in the hand you are trying to raise your hand in, say 'There isn't a clear slot to raise your hand.' If the player disconnects / crashes / whatever the item will get taken out no matter what.

    /EA = ExtendArms but it'll extend out arms like a bow.
    When the command /EA is executed, I want the player to hold a bow, it'll be renamed to nothing so it'll be blank. (if this can't be done renamed to a blank item tell me in the comments.) The bow will be invisible ( I'll be doing this in a texture-pack. ) and once they let go of 'holding' the bow or 'extending' their arms it'll get taken out of their inventory. The item will be taken out if they stop holding right click no matter what. I only want it to be done in their right hand. And if you have a item slot taking up the slot that isn't empty in the hand you are trying to raise your hand in, say 'There isn't a clear slot to extend your arms.' If the player disconnects / crashes / whatever the item will get taken out no matter what.

    Ideas for commands: /EA | /RH

    Ideas for permissions: anim.extendarms | anim.raisehand

    When I'd like it by: Take your time!
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    bump lol
  3. Offline


    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  4. Offline


    For the question of "No Permission" Yes, I'd like that please! Just do the basic red &4

    And yes for the messages, for self awareness.. I don't know, lol, but yeah do that! Do the color "&a" this is light green!

    Also, yes holding right click, make it disappear if the user switches the slot or tries to move it from the inventory.

    If you type /RH, you throw it and can repick it up! /EA doesn't work, but you probably didn't make that part yet!

    PT2; /extendarms does work, but it does not let you aim the bow, 'extend your arms out'
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  5. Offline


    ok I will work on it more tomorrow thank you for the feedback


    What I've added
    - you can no longer drop either the trident/bow
    - when you try to move the trident/bow it gets deleted
    - you can no longer throw the trident
    - you can no longer shoot an arrow from the bow

    also you need an arrow in your inventory for the extend feature to work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2020
  6. Offline


    Hello, I just tested it, can you possibly make it when they switch off that item in their hotbar it makes the item disappear ? ( I only tested this with the trident )
    Can you also do a log check? For if the players logs out it'll delete that current item, apart from that, this works exactly how I want! Besides /ET not working ): I have to type it out fully still!

    Also I saw, thanks for making the bow thing work!
  7. Offline


    @Y1ght what is /et suppose to do ?
  8. Offline


    I meant /EA sorry, I was tired last night... /EA = extend arms

    Also, /extendarms only works when in creative ! XD
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    I think I forgot to tell you, can you do you a full inventory check so you can spawn an invis arrow in the players inventory? This 'invis' arrow is just what you did with the bow, with the name- lol, anyway apart from that I'll test this right now! Thanks!!


    Just tested, it works great! When you log out it doesn't take it away but if you switch hands it disappears anyway! Thanks, also I am going to be adding auction house to my server, do you think that could bug this?
  11. Offline


    yes i can add that

    edit: @Y1ght an arrow is now added when a /extendarms is preformed
    it is also deleted on quit/switch slots

    the trident/bow/arrow all have no name but they all have a lore that starts with
    'rp_' In the auction plugin you use I would add that to the blacklist if it supports that.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
  12. Offline


    Thanks for the idea, I'll see if it does, thanks so much for filling my request !
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