Filled An in-Chest Menu

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TheSander562, Feb 15, 2016.

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    Ethan Rocks 365

    Alright will finish when I get home
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    Ethan Rocks 365

    Wow @TheSander562 Im SOOOOOOO sorry for the dely. Are you still in need of this? If so please let me know Im almost done I had a huge assignment dumped on me the period after i said

    Ok now I do have one question. Command to save chest location. What do you want it to be?
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    @Ethan Rocks 365 Yes I still need this.
    And can I use the command /chest save, to save chest location.
  4. Offline

    Ethan Rocks 365

    Ok /chest save it is. Should be done tomarrow (I'm probably going to get some huge social studies project tomarrow knowing my luck)

    permission will be chestgui.set

    Im sorry @TheSander562 by me "Really awesome badass" dad's password is proventing me from compleating this plugin as theres no time at all 1 hour gets me through JUST testing so i aplogize when in a week and a half you still dont have this thank my "Awesome" dad. sorry

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2016
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    It's oke.
  6. Offline

    Ethan Rocks 365

    Im sorry for the delay been really busy. My cat got sick, and a Drama Project
  7. Offline


    Isn't that what Chest Commands is for? I remember making an entire menu system for a SkyBlock server using it (long time ago)
  8. Offline


    Not Reilly because I want it in a chest.
  9. Offline


    Okay lets sum this up :)

    25 days ago:
    18 days ago:
    16 days ago:
    14 days ago:
    9 days ago:
    2 days ago:
    Still not finished... maybe someone else want to take over. I just write this because you post in nearly every request that you could do this, but youre not able to finish a half-an-hour plugin like this. This off-putting just prevents others from making the job. If youre overwhelmed with it, just say it, so that @TheSander562 eventually sometimes gets his plugin.

    Its not nice that you dont have enough knowledge to create a simple event listener, but behave like you can do everything (at least you say it like that in very much request threads). Sorry for this post, but i had to say it.
    reboxer likes this.
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  11. Offline

    Ethan Rocks 365

    I completely forgot about this. I think I deleted the code. I can recode it
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  13. Offline

    Ethan Rocks 365

    @TheSander562 I just got an idea! How about this. Everything you asked for, but instead of opening the menu with a chest, open it with a sign! Then you can put this everywhere and a permission for only staff to place signs
  14. Offline


    @Ethan Rocks 365 i like the idea but no. I asked for this plugin because i wanted in chests not in signs.
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    @Ethan Rocks 365 This was posted almost 2 months ago, and... No progress has been made?

    @TheSander562 I think by this time you should've know that Chest Commands could take care of the GUI. All you have to ask for now is a plugin that can execute the command when clicked on a chest.
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  17. Offline


    this post combined with my last one here, is soo freaking sad. Ethan why cant you just say that you are not able to do this, instead of "i was busy", "nearly done", "i forgot it". And considering all the threads you opened in the development forum, please stop giving your broken code to others.

    @TheSander562 i feel so sorry for you that im gonna help you regardless if the other guy allready made something or not. Maybe this evening.

    so all you want is an extension for the plugin chest command which runs its GUI command with a chest?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
  18. Offline


    @Lordloss if you mean that, if you open a chest it opens a menu then yes.
  19. Offline


    @TheSander562 with this i meant you click a special chest and it opens a menu which you defined with the plugin "Chest Commands GUI"
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  21. Offline


    Here it is
    I hope you like it. You just have to create the menu with ChestCommands and write the menu name in the config of my plugin.
    With /chestmenu you get the commands, theres /chestmenu add and /chestmenu reload. After doing /chestmenu add you have 30 sekonds to click a chest you like to register. You unregister a chest by simply destroying it. /chestmenu reload reloads the config, if you change the menu name in example.

    The permission for creating chests is chestmenu.add.

    If you want anything changed, just write it.

    Btw. it took less than half an hour.
  22. Offline


    Thank you so much

    Does it work with 1.9?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
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    Yes for sure
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  25. Offline

    Deleted user

    You can do this with this plugin:


    Highly customizable

    Edit: i just read the rest of the comments.
    Excuse me
    Lordloss likes this.
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    Ethan Rocks 365 likes this.
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    How do i do that?
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    edit the thread, and at the left side of the title you can choose a prefix.
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