Advanced Deathbans

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Exoaria, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Mechanics

    Suggested name: Deathban+

    What I want: A deathban system that allows advanced features. These features include:
    • Deathbans that are only active or exempt in certain areas. (i.e. WorldGuard region)
    • Ban times that differ in length depending on your area (i.e. WorldGuard region)
    • Adjustable length of ban time based per-permissions group.
    • Adjustable length of ban base on how long the player has survived in that session.
    • Ability to enable or disable based on the world.
    • Add clickable links into the "You have been deathbanned" message. (May not be possible)
    • Ability to increase/decrease a deathban time each time a player dies.
    A more advanced feature would be an extremely variable deathban time based on a lot of factors. As mentioned in two of the points above, they would be time dependent. For example (YML)

    time: 0
    #Configure the amount of time per world (in minutes), 0 means there is no deathban, -1 means an infinite time
    time: 10
    time: 120

    Other settings that could be changed in the config.yml could include the amount of time a player's deathban will go up by each time they die. For example the first time they die it could be a 10 minute ban, whereas if in the configuration file it was specified to increase by 5 every time, their next ban would be 15 minutes, then 20 minutes and so on. There should also be an option to specify the amount of time that it will take for these values to reset in a DD:HH:MM format. For example, to make it reset every one week, two hours and thirty minutes you would put 08:02:30 inside of it. If this is not possible with YAML the configuration could also look like this:

    days: 8
    hours: 2
    minutes: 30

    Credits can be assigned to a player by an administrator or anyone with the appropriate permission node in order to give them another chance when they die.

    Ideas for commands:
    /deathbanplus or /dbp...

    enable: enable the plugin
    disable: disable the plugin
    give <player> <amount>: give the player the specified amount of credits
    unban <player>: unban the specified player
    reset <player>: reset the players current ban time to default
    resetall: globally reset all ban times
    unbanall: unban all players
    message <message>: set the death message

    Ideas for permissions:

    dbp.exempt - player will not be affected by Deathban+
    dbp.admin - player can enable, disable, and configure Deathban+

    When I'd like it by: Whenever the intelligent and open minded plugin developer has the time to put in his time, effort and resources to make this plugin.
  2. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Where the hell do those credits came from?
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  4. Offline


    Necro Bump -_-
  5. Offline


    For what it's worth, I still want the plugin made.
  6. Offline


    There are many death ban plugins....
  7. Offline


    • Deathbans that are only active or exempt in certain areas. (i.e. WorldGuard region)
    • Ban times that differ in length depending on your area (i.e. WorldGuard region)
    • Adjustable length of ban time based per-permissions group.
    • Adjustable length of ban base on how long the player has survived in that session.
    • Ability to enable or disable based on the world.
    • Add clickable links into the "You have been deathbanned" message. (May not be possible)
    • Ability to increase/decrease a deathban time each time a player dies.

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