[ADMN/WEB] OKB3 - Bulletin Board Bridge - Now on BukkitDev! [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kalman Olah, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kalman Olah

  2. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Well if you can connect to it from your PC with the EXACT SAME DETAILS, only two things can happen...
    1 - You allow your server's IP to connect and it works.
    2 - Your minecraft server host has a firewall blocking it, and you're pretty much screwed.

    EDIT: Try making a new MySQL User and ONLY allow your minecraft server to connect to it. I've heard of the allowed hosts being overwritten by eachother at times.
  3. Offline


    Just restarted and everything I said above.. I was looking through the log and the most recent log even was from earlier today (24/7 server and all but you would expect the error to atleast come up and all unless theres time settings wrong somehow... which there isn't because the log goes all the way until the current time and shows that I had connected so yeah.. anyways heres the error again... This error had another error after it I must have not seen it last time not sure if it makes a difference) ill try making another mysql user and I always give the user all of the permissions.

  4. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Does this error appear before the plugin has been fully enabled? Is it between
    [OKB3] Attempting to enable OKB3 v1.3.0 by Kalman Olah...
    text ....
    [OKB3] OKB3 v1.3.0 was successfully enabled.
    EDIT: Just show me your log so I can the error and its location in the log, please.
  5. Offline


    Here is my server.log from the start to close as requested just now (typed /bbb sync after I "Testaccount2" said wow)

  6. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    It can't connect to your MySQL server.
    - The config.yml MySQL connection info isn't filled in correctly.
    - Your minecraft server host does not allow outgoing SQL connections.
    - The MySQL user still has no remote connection permissions.

    One of the above. I can't help you any more, sorry =/.
  7. Offline


    Thanks for your help, I know my server connection details are correct. Opening a ticket with my host now to ask if there is any sort of firewall on the gameserver : | I dont think there is imo because the error would've said cannot resolve host or w/e that other mysql error is when it cant connect. But since it did connect it says the Using password YES error. You are more experienced with MySQL coding so can probably vouch for this but it's just my personal "hunch"..

    I will let you know if I ever get it fixed and what the problem was.
    Going to update to the latest version in a few minutes hopefully to see if that makes any difference. Doubt it since its a connection issue lol
  8. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Well the MySQL connection code has not been changed since v0.1. It has been known to work for a bunch of people, and I've tested it multiple times, today... So yeah =/
  9. Offline


    can u add some new functions ?
    -Login like xAuth with forum Account password
    -Every one who isnt regristered on the forum cant connect to Server
  10. Offline


    2011-06-24 09:40:04 [INFO] Hugago35 [/] logged in with entity id 32583 at ([ Creative] 412.65688821866394, 76.0, -428.35263049987265)
    2011-06-24 09:40:04 [INFO] [OKB3] Hugago35's ranks successfully updated.
    2011-06-24 09:40:04 [INFO] [OKB3] Hugago35's ranks successfully updated.
    2011-06-24 09:40:04 [INFO] [OKB3] Hugago35's ranks successfully updated.
    2011-06-24 09:40:04 [INFO] [OKB3] Hugago35's ranks successfully updated.
    (and more, and more, and more...)
    Help :p, my server.log is very heavy.
  11. Offline

    Kalman Olah


    Testing my new build now...
    (For the record, there is literally no reason for this to be happening.... Not a single line of code is wrong =/)

    Updated to v1.3.1
    Version 1.3.1

    • Minor bugfixes related to Kunena/XenForo error reporting.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    HEY! I finally fixed it and its working properly :)... If you noticed in the MySQL error the IP listed wasn't even my server IP the last 3 digits were different. I added that IP to the list of allowed connections also and it fixed my problem. I guess thats the IP of the box my server is hosted off of or something like that. Anyways... Very happy its fixed. Thank you very much for your help
  14. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Good to hear it :).
    No one must ever know
  15. Offline


    Really :/
    Can u add this Functions ?
    I cant do it
  16. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Bulletin Board Bridge already has a whitelisting/blacklisting feature, and normal mode requires you to log in with your forum account to receive your rank. Read the thread, please.
  17. Offline


    i turned the whitelist onn but dont work and i dont have to login to play
  18. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    First of all, you probably didn't configure it right in config.yml.
    Second, you can't have people both log in AND be blacklisted unless they register. You could have people blacklisted until they register, but there would be no password checking, or you could have them unable to build until they log in, but there would be no whitelist.

    Post your config.yml, config.inc.php, and tell me which you want.
  19. Offline


    now i use Whitelist plugin to make the whitelist with forum accounts
    Now i only have to configur xAuth

    And your Plugin is for the Forum Ranks :D
  20. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Alright, enjoy your configuring.
  21. Offline


    YMAL parser
    ERROR: while scanning a simple key in "<unicode string>", line 8, column 1: '19':VIP ^ could not found expected ':' in "<unicode string>", line 9, column 10: Default: ^

    ERROR: while parsing a block mapping in "<unicode string>", line 3, column 1: plugin: ^ expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>' in "<unicode string>", line 8, column 6: '19':VIP ^
  22. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    You filled out the config.yml wrong. It should be
    '19': VIP
    There's a space, you see?
  23. Offline


    Works, but when I type /bbb sync (Name) (Password) the server crashes.. I'll show you my server log when I get it..

    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Default does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Initiate does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Member does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group SeniorMember does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group InitiateMod does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Mod does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group SeniorMod does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group ForumAdmin does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group SupportAdmin does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group MemberAdmin does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group PluginAdmin does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group AdvertisingAdmin does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group HeadAdmin does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Demi-God does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group God does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Owner does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Special does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group WolfLord does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group 21 does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group VIP does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Premium does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Supporter does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Group Sponsor does not have a rank defined.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] Some groups do not have a rank defined, some commands are disabled.
    2011-06-24 23:03:39 [INFO] [P2] version 2.1.1 has been enabled.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [ATM] hooked into Permissions.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [ATM] Configuration file loaded!
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [ATM] is up to date.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [ATM] version v1.8 is enabled.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [ATM] iConomy version 5 loaded.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to enable OKB3 v1.2.1 by K. Olah...
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3] Successfully hooked into Permissions.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to load configuration file...
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3] Configuration file successfully loaded.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to load PlayerList file...
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3] PlayerList file successfully loaded.
    2011-06-24 23:03:40 [INFO] [OKB3-MYSQL] Initializing MySQL connection...
    2011-06-24 23:04:05 [INFO] Read timed out
    group 21 is the '21' : VIP
    (Changed group ID)
  24. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    First of all, you should update to BBB v1.3.1. Second, I see a bunch of errors that are completely unrelated to my plugin. Third, the bottom of what you posted suggests that my plugin can't connect to your MySQL server. Make sure that all mysql connection info is correct, both in config.yml and config.inc.php. Also make sure that your MySQL user has permissions to remotely select data from your minecraft server's IP Address. If, after all of this it still doesn't work, PM me your config.inc.php, config.yml, and a server.log.

    EDIT: Also mention all plugins you are using, and your Permissions version.
  25. Offline


    Thank you for this amazing plugin! I haven't had time to test this on my development server, but when I get the chance, I'll do so and report my results. Thanks for considering all of my suggestions. :)
  26. Offline


    I have to edit the config.inc.php even if I'm using the old school style? I never edited it :p
    How do I do this?

    oh and I can't upgrade to 1.3.1 until my server host does =/
  27. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    You don't need the config.inc.php for old-school mode, no. As for granting remote permissions to your MySQL user, there should be a way to do it through your webhosts control panel. If you have access to PHPMyAdmin, you can go to the priveleges tab, and make a new user that can access the MySQL server from all hosts in there. If not, I'd ask your webhost.
    You're welcome :). I'll make sure to add the rest when I get the time ;).
  28. Offline


    Yeah, I have phpmyadmin. I don't see priveleges though.
  29. Offline


    I started to get this error in 860, so I updated to 928 and same thing

    2011-06-24 21:29:44 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to enable OKB3 v1.3.1 by Kalman Olah...
    2011-06-24 21:29:44 [INFO] [OKB3] Successfully hooked into GroupManager.
    2011-06-24 21:29:44 [INFO] [OKB3] Attempting to load configuration file...
    2011-06-24 21:29:44 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling OKB3 v1.3.1 (Is it up to date?): null
    	at net.genericgaming.kalmanolah.okb3.OKConfig.loadkeys(OKConfig.java:181)
    	at net.genericgaming.kalmanolah.okb3.OKConfig.configCheck(OKConfig.java:34)
    	at net.genericgaming.kalmanolah.okb3.OKmain.onEnable(OKmain.java:108)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:857)
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:253)
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:157)
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:136)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
    	at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    2011-06-24 21:29:44 [INFO] [OpenInv] version 1.3.1 is enabled!
  30. Offline

    Kalman Olah

    Show me your config.yml

    From some guy on the MySQL forums:
    Try doing what he recommended. If there is no priveleges link, ask your webhost to enable remote mysql connections for you :).
  31. Offline


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